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We are a top-notch professional clothing line for women, who aim to rule the world with their work ethic.

Incoming Spring. It is a brand-new year!

Incoming Spring

And while you were perhaps busy donning the greys and blacks at home all of last year, the fashion industry has moved on from the gloom. The fashion designers from all over the world are focussed on bringing in the cheer and brightness back to your lives and how! They depict optimism, a fresh new start, and they depict that it is time to get up, dust off, dress up and re-find your footing. Here are the spring colours of 2021, your dose of the vogue! The Pastel Yellow. All the fashion influencers giving us style inspirations throughout the pandemic. Does it happen with you that you pick up your phone to browse Insta for just a minute but end up spending more than an hour just looking at the gorgeous clothes and styles?

All the fashion influencers giving us style inspirations throughout the pandemic

Well, welcome to the insta-world! Look at the brighter side though, these fashion goddesses have kept us going throughout the pandemic and saved us from becoming absolute sloths! The Silhouettes, we can't stop admiring. This new year let us wander away from the classic silhouettes that we are always after and try new shapes.

The Silhouettes, we can't stop admiring

They can be just a twist on the usual shapes or an entirely new silhouette making a statement. Why not aim to turn eyes wherever you go? And how would you do that if you don’t surprise with your looks? So, let us open our minds and our wardrobes to these current favourite silhouettes of ours: Trench Coats for the long, sleek look There are few things more versatile than a trench coat, if you ask us. Scarves to the Rescue! Have you often admired the very trendy winter wear often contrasting the monotones of woollens with splendidly bright scarves?

Scarves to the Rescue!

We have too! We often say that scarves add the smiles to your wardrobe, an inimitable charm! When it comes to accessories, scarves rank much higher than the belts or bags for us, because they add layers to your wardrobe just like your personalities. They can be dainty or heavily warm, can function as an add-on or a necessity when it is chilly. New year, new you? You are perfect as you are! Most people around us are looking forward to 2021 as the children look forward to Christmas!

New year, new you? You are perfect as you are!

As though a magic wand will suddenly make 2020 disappear or perhaps Santa will take it away. Alas! The chances of that happening are quite slim. But, don’t you feel that while 2020 was immensely difficult for obvious reasons, it made new people out of all of us? We were faced with situations that were unprecedented. While there were statement-makers and famous achievers like Kamala Harris and Melinda Gates who were busy changing the history of womanhood and the way this world perceives you, there were not-so-famous yet inspirational achievers too, just like you.

Powersutra. This is the season to dress up and beat the 2020 blues!


Christmas brings with it the joy, sparkle, cosy mugs of hot chocolate and a sort of cheer that only Christmas dressing can get. This year has been hard on everyone on many levels; let us end it with hope and brightness. We bring you our carefully handcrafted and absolutely unique collection of party dresses for the season. Swirl your way into the festive season with these graceful and versatile dresses and amp up your style! Here is a sneak peek into the collection- Fairy it up in Satin Who says satin is out of vogue? Bring in the Dupioni Grace The sheen that Dupioni brings to your dresses is inimitable. Lead the way with Power Sutra! Who says fashion needs to burn a hole in your pocket?

Lead the way with Power Sutra!

Marrying your style with high street fashion is one of the things Power Sutra excels at. Keep calm and leave it to us! In this strange year that has transformed the way you dress every day, you also got an opportunity to live with your wardrobe and see what works, what doesn’t. We think versatility in any wardrobe goes a long way. Cotton Tops For Women. Cotton Tops For Women. Cotton Tops For Women. Cotton Tops For Women. New year, new you? You are perfect as you are! Work from Home, In Style. We can virtually hear some of you say, “Ugh, do I have to?”

Work from Home, In Style

We know, it is just too comfortable to remain in those PJs all day. But hear us out, here’s another perspective. Specialists often talk about ‘mood enhancement dressing’, which is done to optimize your positivity and mood. Dressing up is popularly known to make you more productive. Also, since most of us are going to continue to work from home for the foreseeable future, we feel it is very important to create work boundaries. But does that mean, you let go of the comfort you find at home? Here are the must-haves in your work-from-home wardrobe- Breezy Pants Do you know a great substitute for lounge pants? Shop Here Get those accessories right Bring out the scarves, headbands, earrings, neckpieces and hair-ties that have not seen the world outside of your cupboard for months now. Deck up waist-up Want to take it easy on some days?

Shop the Tops Here Shop the Pullovers Here. Sky Blue Acrylic Pullover. Fossil Grey Cotton Shirt Dress. Baby Pink Rayon Sheath Dress. Untitled. White & Grey Print Georgette Outdoor Dress. Issues faced by women while shopping for Work Wear. We have spoken to various women (both working and non-working) and tried understanding the challenges faced by them while buying garments.

Issues faced by women while shopping for Work Wear

Some of the regular issues / challenges highlighted were as following: Pooja Malhotra, Founder of Power Sutra is a doctor by profession and has worked for over 15 years in leading hospitals like Max, Fortis, Safdarjung, Lady Hardinge Medical College etc. She has travelled extensively globally and within India and faced many of the above issues while buying garments for herself. Being a fashionista and having a keen eye for fine clothing, designs and color combinations, Pooja decided to found Power Sutra Clothing Private Limited (Power Sutra) with a focus on addressing Desk to Dinner dressing needs of women. Sky Blue Acrylic Pullover. Premium Work Wear Brand of Women's Clothing.