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Facebook Twitter 051099. TIME: How does Falun Gong differ from other types of qigong? 051099

Li: There are different practices of qigong in China and in other countries, but they are primarily aimed at healing illnesses or keeping fit and maintaining good health. I am teaching a higher level of qigong. It encompasses a greater content. It is like the Tao, which is known in the Western world. TIME: And this expresses an inner energy? TIME: In your book [Zhuan Falun] you talk about people levitating off the ground but you say that they should not show other people. TIME: Have you seen human beings levitate off the ground? TIME: Can you describe any that you have known? TIME: You have said that this type of qigong should not be used to cure illness. TIME: Would you use qigong to cure an illness?

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