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Taking drugs to make playlists to take drugs to (vol. 1) | wardcleaver | 8tracks. The Best Booze Under $20: In the Magazine. Feed N Frenzy Blue Custom is free to play at GorillaArcade. South Mountain Reservation - Millburn - Hidden Dimensions Online Game - Card games. Uganda newspaper publishes 'gay list,' calls for their hanging. Ugandan newspaper publishes 'gay list' Next to the list was a yellow strip with the words "hang them""We are all terrified," an activist says Homosexuality is illegal in most African countries (CNN) -- A Ugandan newspaper published a story featuring a list of the nation's "top" gays and lesbians with their photos and addresses, angering activists who say the already marginalized group risks facing further attacks. Earlier this month, Rolling Stone newspaper -- not affiliated with the U.S. magazine with the same name -- featured 100 pictures of Uganda's gays and lesbians.

Next to the list was a yellow strip with the words "hang them. " The story comes about a year after a Ugandan lawmaker introduced a measure that calls for the death penalty or long jail terms for those who engage in some homosexual activities. The proposal was shelved after an international outcry. "For me, the first thing that crossed my mind was, 'how can this country allow such things to happen? " David Gallo shows underwater astonishments. The Zombie Hunters. 251 - Hey, roomie.Posted on 2010-04-19 00:00:06 Updated the Reader Artwork, Reader Comics and Cosplay galleries! Yay! The book is coming along nicely, and a lot faster than I thought. At the moment I am now concentrating on the layout and the extras. With that said I am going to have to limit the amount of Thursday updates I do, lately I have been moderately okay, but with the book, immigration stuff (married to an American, visa needed to live in the states, we have been living apart for almost a year because of it, it sucks ass etc.) and other things, my time is getting rather... elusive.

I can do Monday updates no problem, I haven't missed a Monday update in like... 4 years? And one more thing, I get a lot of "Where have all the zombies gone? " I'm not mad about anything, or even remotely upset, it's just when I get asked a question way more times than once, I feel like I should keep everyone in the know. So yes, that's all I have to say about that! pU1p3ehaPo53mjmlz1aJzXu9o1_250.gif (GIF Image, 250x188 pixels) WTF Wednesday: Moemon. WTF Wednesday: Moemon Can you believe that Pokemon can be cuter? By GodLen | Sept. 16, 2009 Today I present to you the biggest image gallery post Anime Vice has ever had the privilege to host, and it is all thanks to those otaku over at 2 Channel.

This all started when one person looked at a pokemon, and thought to himself (yes I can be 100% sure that it’s a him, let’s not kid ourselves here) “I just don’t find pokemon cute. OMG so cute! Filed under: Pokémon, Pokémon, Majin Tantei Nogami Neuro Log in or sign up to comment on this topic. 12 Comments. THE WALMART DRINKING GAME by Matt Houghton - Artist: Roxie Vizcarra. To set the record straight: I’m a man who likes to drink. Excessively. I like to drink at bars, in clubs, at friends’ apartments, in my own apartment, with homeless people unless they’re scary or look diseased, while taking a dump and so on and so forth. Included in that is while playing drinking games. A shot every time a fight breaks out on Jerry Springer. Every time you see a mother pushing a cart with obese child in it, take one shot. Every time you see what appears to be a single mom under the age of 20, take one shot.

World Famous Design Junkies » fivedollarbillshirt. 3D Painted Rooms - The Floor Is Lava. Best Game Ever.