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Cientific Data. Miracle Mineral. Hoxsey Clinic - Alternative Cancer Clinic. Bio-Medical Center (Hoxsey Clinic) Since 1963, this clinic has provided Hoxsey therapy.

Hoxsey Clinic - Alternative Cancer Clinic

It was one of the first alternative cancer facilities in Mexico. Mildred Nelson, who was Harry Hoxsey's chief nurse at the Hoxsey Clinic in Dallas until he left clinical practice, carried on the therapy in Mexico until her death in 1999. Her sister now runs the clinic. The clinic was closed for 6 weeks around March 2000 by Mexican medical authorities, but it was allowed to reopen. Rene Caisse - Helping Patients at the Bracebridge Clinic. *Disclaimer: Information and products shown are not to be used as medical advice and/ or to be used in place of medical treatment of any kind.

Rene Caisse - Helping Patients at the Bracebridge Clinic.

All information and products are to be used ONLY as a food supplement and must not be used to treat, mitigate or cure any symptom, illness or disease. Altramed H.P Inc. will not make any medical claims for products listed on this site.