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Rolled paper flowers {tutorial. Welcome to flower week – five days of simple and delightful flower projects.

rolled paper flowers {tutorial

I could probably do three weeks of flowers because there are so many different ways to create them, but I’ve limited it to five of my current favorites. Before we get started, let me make a few disclaimers: 1. I find inspiration for projects all over the place {online, in shops, in magazines}, then figure out how to re-create them on my own. Each of these projects are my adaptation of something I’ve seen elsewhere. 2. 3. Okay, so let’s begin. Here’s what you’ll need: :: paper {either cover or text weight} :: florist wire :: scissors, pencil, glue gun STEP ONE: cut irregular circle This circle is approximately 8 inches, but you can do any size you wish. STEP TWO: cut spiral Start at the outside edge and cut in a spiral fashion to the center. I like a sort of bumpy shape so that the petals end up a bit irregular If you aren’t so sure about your cutting skills, feel free to draw your spiral before cutting.

577761_423793877714671_1792785596_n.jpg (554×626) 20 Creative DIY Project Ideas. We all have many old and unused items lying around in our homes or garages waiting to be thrown away.

20 Creative DIY Project Ideas

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s a great feeling of liberation that comes after shedding old stuff. However, before you start cleaning your home, we want to show you 20 incredibly creative Do It Yourself projects that may change your mind. You’ll learn that a lot of useless items can be transformed into wonderful creations. You can turn an old glove into a cute chipmunk toy, toilet paper rolls into a beautiful floral wall art, plastic bottle into a broom and many more. [Read more...] We’ve been working on this list for a long time, but I’m sure there are many more awesome DIY ideas that we’ve missed. 1. More info: here | Buy: here 2. More info: here 3. More info: here 4. More info: here 5. More info: here 6. More info: here. Origami - Serviette lapin. American Crafts Studio Blog: Spring Bouquet. What's Springtime without a beautiful bouquet of flowers?

American Crafts Studio Blog: Spring Bouquet

Nothing blooming in your neck of the woods yet? Create your own with AC products! Supplies: Everyday Felt Flowers (77177) - MyHouse, Stem Occasions Four (89090) - Ribbon, Petal Occasions Four (89082) - Ribbon, Petal Occasions Four (89079) - Ribbon, various buttons I used some things I had on hand to whip up this fun flower bouquet. Stopping in my kitchen, I picked up some skewer sticks and an empty pop can to pair with some bright AC buttons, ribbon, and MyHouse flowers.

I threaded the buttons onto a felt House flower, making sure to keep excess string on the backside of the flower. You can place your flowers in something prettier than a pop can, but I recommend adding flour or sand in the bottom first to help keep your skewer sticks from swinging around. This little bouquet is great to set on your desk or on the bookshelf.