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Julie Anne Martin

Simple 0-10 number ladders (SB2694) Rekenrek. A teammate of mine is working on her final study for her specialist degree and her study is using the rekenrek.


Here is an example of a big magnetic one that goes on the board. My teammates actually did alot with this last year around this time but I was maternity leave so this is my first time really learning about what to do with it and doing the lessons. I'm kinda excited to play around with it and see if it helps with number sense etc, better than our harcourt series! So start it off today we made our own personal rekenreks. We made them on a Friday after recess....maybe not the best time to craft..but hey I tried!

First you need a piece of posterboard with 2 holes punched on each side, 2 pipe cleaners, 10 red beads, and 10 white beads. Then you take the first pipe cleaner and put 5 red beads on the left and 5 white beads on the right side. Then repeat with the second pipe cleaner and there ya go- you have a personal rekenrek! Happy Teaching! The Rekenrek: A Math Tool Video.

Websites/blogs II

Thinking Blocks - Model and Solve Math Word Problems. What is Guided Math? - Guided Math. Guided Math is similar to Guided Reading in that the teacher puts the students into small groups and the students work on specific standards being taught in centers around the room.

What is Guided Math? - Guided Math

You should try your hardest to have all the centers hitting the same topic. Students are placed in ability level groups and taught the standards of the curriculum. Differentiation is achieved as students are in different groups and instruction is changed to hit the needs of the student. Download What is Guided Math Click on one of the sheets below for a guide to what guided math will look like in your class.

Guided Math Planning Sheet Guided Math Planning Sheet 2 Download Guided Math Plan 3 The first thing I say is make it work for you. Day 1- Pretest, mini lesson on topic, go over centers, whole group activity to get them thinking about concept (acceleration). FOR PRETEST you could give a 5 question quiz to see what the kids know. Day 2- Centers ** Day 4- Centers (Aim for about 4-5 kids per group) **


Common Core Assessments For Kindergarten. The Common Core Standards present learning goals for students across the United States.

Common Core Assessments For Kindergarten

They represent some of the highest standards found in the nation. Furthermore, they are benchmarked to international standards. The Common Core Standards provide clear goals for student learning, a veritable roadmap to success. The standards not only help teachers ensure that students attain the skills and knowledge necessary for educational success, but they also help parents and students set clear and realistic goals. The Common Core Standards do not dictate teaching methods or materials, therefore assessment is crucial to determining what skills and information a student needs.

Our assessment documents are designed for assessing the common core standards in kindergarten. With the adoption of the Common Core Standards, these assessment meets a critical need. Please check them out today at our online stores.


Literacy. Early Childhood Websites. Kindergarten. Pearltrees videos. Getting started.