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Political/social science methods

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Research methodology links. Political Methodology. Paul Hensel's Political Methodology Page. Logic and Research Design The building blocks of scientific research: logic, research design, philosophy of science, and the scientific method Statistical Methodology Stattucino Java-based statistical appletGary King's Home Page (at Harvard University; a variety of software, data, and research links from one of the premier political methodologists)PolMeth / Society for Political Methodology (the leading organization for quantitative methodology in Political Science)Statistics Education Links (by Juha Puranen)Statistics to use (a discussion of numerous statistics, including the mean, standard deviation, Fisher's exact test, ANOVA, chi-square, contingency tables, Student's t-tests, and ordinary least squares; also includes on-line forms to estimate some of these statistics; from the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University, in Minnesota)Testing Macroeconomic Models (by Ray C.

Paul Hensel's Political Methodology Page

General-Purpose Data Collections. Concepts and Methods.