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Poor people's politics. Resistance and Integration. Modelo Argentino. Peronism and Argentina. Mañana es San Perón. The regime of Juan Per-n is one of the most studied topics of Argentina's contemporary history. This new book_an English translation of a highly popular, critically acclaimed Spanish language edition_provides a new perspective on the intriguing Argentinian leader. Mariano Plotkin's cultural approach makes Per-n's popularity understandable because it goes beyond Per-n's charismatic appeal and analyzes the Per-nist mechanisms used to generate political consent and mass mobilization.

Ma-ana es San Per-n is the first book to focus on the cultural and symbolic dimensions of Per-nism and populism. Plotkin also presents important material for the study of populism and the modern state in this region. Ma-ana es San Per-n explores the creation of myths, symbols, and rituals which constituted the Peronist political imagery. The politics of national capitalism. In mid-twentieth-century Latin America there was a strong consensus between Left and Right--Communists working under the directives of the Third International, nationalists within the military interested in fostering industrialization, and populists--about the need to break away from the colonial legacies of the past and to escape from the constraints of the international capitalist system.

Even though they disagreed about the desired end state, Argentines of all political stripes could agree on the need for economic independence and national sovereignty, which would be brought about through the efforts of a national bourgeoisie. James Brennan and Marcelo Rougier aim to provide a political history of this national bourgeoisie in this book. Obras completas -- just a picture. Comunidad organizada. Juan Peron - Conduccion Politica. He tenido una preocupación, desde hace mucho tiempo, referente a lainstauración, dentro de nuestro movimiento, de una escuela destinada a ir desarrollando nuestra doctrina.Las doctrinas son, generalmente, exposiciones sintéticas de grandes líneasde orientación, y representan, en sí y en su propia síntesis, solamente elenunciado de innumerables problemas; pero la solución de esos problemas,realizada por el examen analítico dio los mismos, no puede formar cuerpoen esa doctrina sin que constituya toda una teoría de la doctrina misma, asícomo también de ese análisis surgen las formas de ejecución de esadoctrina y de esa teoría.

Una doctrina sin teoría resulta incompleta; perouna doctrina o una teoría sin las formas de realizarlas, resultan inútiles; demanera que uno no ha cumplido el ciclo real e integral mientras no hayaconformado e inculcado una doctrina, enseñado una teoría y establecido lasformas de cumplir una y otra.