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Al Arabiya English sur Twitter : "Amid terror fears, #Tunisians prepare for festive #Eid. Al Arabiya English sur Twitter : "Images of global terror attacks used to draw support for #Tunisia. Campaign-uses-images-of-global-terror-attacks-to-draw-support-for-Tunisia. Aleksandar Josipović sur Twitter : "I wonder how many people will share this? #Muslim #human #TunisiaAttack... Horror on the sand in Tunisian hotel massacre - Al Arabiya News. Reuters, Tunisia Saturday, 27 June 2015.

Horror on the sand in Tunisian hotel massacre - Al Arabiya News

Tunisia fires top security chiefs after attack - Al Arabiya News. Tunisia: militants kill eight in museum attack - Al Arabiya News. Tunisia opts for an inclusive new government. New Tunisian Prime Minister Habib Essid presents his second government to the media Feb.2 in Tunis.

Tunisia opts for an inclusive new government

(Hassene Dridi/AP) Tunisia made positive headlines again on Feb. 2 after its newly appointed prime minister, Habib Essid, announced an inclusive coalition government whose members include representatives of the Islamist Ennahda party. For many activists inside Nidaa Tunis, a party built on the back of anti-Islamist opposition that won legislative and presidential elections in the fall, the new cabinet came as a shock. On Feb. 2, Taieb Baccouche, secretary general of Nidaa Tunis and minister of foreign affairs in the newly announced cabinet, addressed Nidaa members protesting outside the party’s headquarters in Tunis’s Lac district, reassuring them that he, too, wished Ennahda would have stayed in the opposition. Abdelaziz Kotti, a Nidaa member of parliament, and other prominent party members have spoken out against the decision to involve Ennahda.

Tunisia: four years after Mohamed Bouazizi self-immolation. 17 December 2010 Mohamed Bouazizi, Tunisian tradesman, has committed an act of self-immolation in protest against the confiscation of his goods and against lawlessness of the authorities.

Tunisia: four years after Mohamed Bouazizi self-immolation

This has become a starting point for the Jasmine revolution that led to the overthrow of Ben Ali’s regime and to the series of harsh disturbance in several Middle Eastern countries, called the Arab Spring thanks to the journalists’ good graces. Four years have passed since then. In November 2014 Tunisia saw the second parliamentary elections after the Jasmine revolution, where a secular party Nidaa Tunès has won, the first round of presidential elections was also held. The second one is planned for the 21st of December. Compared to the other survivors of the Arab spring, the Tunisian case distinguishes itself by the positive development.

Vasiliy Kuznetsov commentary: #Tunisiavote 2014, its results and what do they mean. I suppose there are several interesting aspects of the elections in Tunisia that took place last Sunday and the results of which are already known.

Vasiliy Kuznetsov commentary: #Tunisiavote 2014, its results and what do they mean.

The first aspect to be mentioned concerns the turnout. The electoral body in Tunisia is over 8 million people and a bit more than 5 million were registered as voters. This is 900 thousand more than in 2011 and, from my opinion, that witnesses the growth of the election committee’s (ISIE) professionalism, which did a great job this summer. At the same time the declared turnout of 61,8%, which is often praised as a very high, in reality includes only registered electors and is about 3 million people.

In 2011 the number of people who attended the elections did not differ much from the registered electors lists. The second one is that Ennahda has got 27,79% of the votes, i.e. 800 thousand people voted for the Islamists. 800 thousand of votes are the electorate of this Islamist party as we – me, and many of my Tunisian colleagues, estimated it. Tunisie, un espoir pour le Printemps arabe. Bien plus intense que les tiraillements sur la rupture avec le passé, la question de l’islamisme va véritablement déchirer la société, occultant les questions économiques et sociales.

Tunisie, un espoir pour le Printemps arabe

Deux Tunisie s’affrontent brutalement autour de projets de société différents. Ces conflits rendent très difficile le travail des institutions provisoires et notamment celui de la « Haute Instance »1. E Tunis à Damas-la vision dissonante de Moscou.pdf. Egypt and Tunisia: The Tragic Duet. With the recent violence in Egypt, the country’s future looks even gloomier and more unpredictable.

Egypt and Tunisia: The Tragic Duet

It might also spur further political instability in neighboring countries like Tunisia. A supporter of deposed Egyptian President Mursi holds up a Koran while shouting slogans during a protest in Cairo on August 6. Photo: Reuters This summer, the military coup in Egypt embarrassed the entire international community, although everybody had long known that a violent change of government was a possibility. In fact, the embarrassment stemmed from some logical inconsistencies. d084_therevolutionarypromise_report_v4-3. Affrontements entre salafistes et la police à Tunis et Kairouan. Le porte-parole des salafistes interpelé par la police. Des affrontements ont éclaté dimanche entre policiers et salafistes dans la banlieue ouest de Tunis ainsi qu'à Kairouan, après que les autorités ont refusé la tenue du congrès du mouvement salafiste jihadiste "Ansar Ashriaa" ("Partisans de la Chariaa" islamique) dans cette ville.

Faute d'avoir pu tenir son congrès à Kairouan (150 km de Tunis), ville bouclée par un impressionnant dispositif de sécurité, "Ansar Ashriaa" avait appelé ses partisans à se rassembler dans la Cité Ettadhamen, un bastion salafiste à 15 km à l'ouest de la capitale. En milieu de journée, des heurts ont éclaté entre policiers et salafistes dans les rues de ce quartier, où des centaines de salafistes ont érigé des barricades à l'aide de pneus en feu.

Les salafistes jetaient des pierres sur les policiers qui répondaient par des gaz lacrymogènes et des tirs de sommation. Dans le même temps, des affrontements opposaient des salafistes aux forces de l'ordre à Kairouan. E Tunis à Damas. Maria Dubovikova.pdf. Ennahda says it may leave power in Tunisia - Africa. Tunisia's ruling Ennahda party says it it could leave power, throwing Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali a lifeline in his quest to form a government of technocrats and steer the country out of crisis.

Ennahda says it may leave power in Tunisia - Africa

"Ennahda could quit power if Jebali maintains his proposal. Everything is possible. It is not inevitable for Ennahda to stay in the government," Foreign Minister Rafik Abdessalem said on Wednesday. Des camps d'entraînement djihadistes en Tunisie? - Monde. Tunisian Media in Transition. The media in Tunisia has undergone drastic changes since the country’s 2011 revolution. From content that was once uniform and restricted in the extreme, Tunisian media outlets have moved away from echoing the state line and are now providing diverse output. A host of new media outlets have cropped up. The legal framework and state institutions governing the industry are undergoing reform. And most importantly, journalists are now able to experience political journalism firsthand.