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Syrie: l'influence russe en trois chiffres - De Bagdad à Jérusalem : L'Orient indiscret. Diplomatie.

Syrie: l'influence russe en trois chiffres - De Bagdad à Jérusalem : L'Orient indiscret

Au moment où la pression s'accentue pour que Moscou lâche son allié syrien, en proie à de sérieuses difficultés, trois chiffres symbolisent, plus qu'un long discours, l'importance de maintenir Damas dans l'orbite russe, comme le signalait récemment un haut-diplomate russe à Moscou. Premier chiffre: 160 000. C'est le nombre des Syriens, nous disait ce diplomate, qui "de près ou de loin sont liés à Moscou". Notre source faisait notamment allusion à tous ces généraux syriens qui furent formés dans l'ex-Union soviétique dans les années 70-80. 55 000: c'est le nombre de mariages mixtes russo-syriens. Enfin, 1 250, c'est le nombre des experts civils et militaires russes en Syrie.

"Vous comprendrez que l'on ne peut pas lâcher la Syrie, poursuivait notre interlocuteur. В Сирии идет гражданская война. Russian people against military operation in Syria. Главком ВМФ РФ не исключил возможность эвакуации базы в Тартусе. МОСКВА, 28 июл - РИА Новости.

Главком ВМФ РФ не исключил возможность эвакуации базы в Тартусе

Военнослужащие РФ могут быть эвакуированы из российского пункта материально-технического обеспечения в Тартусе (Сирия) в случае нападения на этот объект, заявил в субботу главнокомандующий ВМФ России вице-адмирал Виктор Чирков. "Команды даю не я, есть министр обороны. Iraq and Libya. Consequences for Russia. I'd like to invite you to read my article [in rus] on the Iraqi and Libyan cases and their consequences for Russia.

Iraq and Libya. Consequences for Russia.

For the firs time it was published on the New Eastern Outlook web site : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 . You can read the entire article here: Ирак и Ливия, две страны, которые, казалось бы, невозможно сопоставлять и сравнивать: с разной историей, в разных регионах, с разной ментальностью и проблемами. Однако современность сделала сопоставление этих стран возможным и, более того, возможным с точки зрения последствий для Российской Федерации, как великой державы. Россия на международной арене. Why Russia sticks by al-Assad. By Anna Borshchevskaya, Special to CNN Anna Borshchevskaya is the assistant director of the Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center at the Atlantic Council. The views expressed are solely those of the author. As Syrian atrocities have escalated, so too has U.S. frustration with Russian intransigence. On July 19, after Russia and China vetoed sanctions against the al-Assad regime, the White House called their decision “deplorable and regrettable.”

There are many reasons for Russian intransigence. Yet while Putin is no democrat, he isn’t completely detached from public opinion either. When the Russian press reports the latest Syria news, it by and large lacks any real detail and analysis, instead parroting the official Kremlin line that the Syrians oppose outside intervention. For a start, the Western media has been reporting about interviews with survivors and activists, covering the debate about which specific groups Assad’s army targeted in these massacres, and publishing a myriad of opinions. Putin: Non-stop civil war if Assad ousted. In Russia, Even Putin’s Critics Are OK With His Syria Policy. Syrian rebels threaten to attack Russian naval base - World.

Syrian rebels have threatened to attack Russia's naval base at the port of Tartous if Moscow continues to supply weapons to President Bashar al-Assad's regime.

Syrian rebels threaten to attack Russian naval base - World

"We have a warning for the Russian forces: if they will send any more weapons that kill our families and the Syrian people we will hit them hard inside Syria," said Louay al-Mokdad, a logistical coordinator for the Free Syrian Army (FSA). "Informers inside the regime are telling that us that there is a big weapons' shipment arriving at Tartous in the next two weeks. We don't want to attack the port, we are not terrorists, but if they keep acting like this we will have no choice. " The FSA has formed a 'Naval brigade', made up of defectors from the Syrian navy, which operates close to Tartous. "Many of our men used to work in the port of Tartous and they know it well," said Captain Walid, a former officer in the Syrian Navy. The FSA has identified warehouses used to store weapons and the living quarters of Russian officers.

Russian general denies reports he was killed by Free Syrian Army. A Russian general Wednesday denied reports he had been killed by rebels in Syria during an operation against President Bashar al-Assad’s top security men. General Vladimir Kuzheyev told reporters at a hastily arranged press conference at the Russian defense ministry in Moscow that he was flattered by the attention and happy to report he was well. “I thank the media for devoting such great attention to my humble persona,” Kuzheyev said in comments also posted on the defense ministry’s official website and replayed on state television. “As a general, I understand that this information was not just a provocation aimed against me but also -- and most importantly -- against my country.”

A video released on YouTube by the armed opposition’s Damascus Area Military Command claimed the killing of a Russian advisor to the Syrian defense minister and identified him as General Vladimir Khodzhev.