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What are 5 Digital Assets Worth Investing In? There is something special about buying your new first home. You are handed the keys and you walk in the front door and it is yours. It is almost visceral. The smell of the paint, the feel of the carpet under your feet and the vision of how you are going to furnish and style the rooms is enticing. The senses are engaged and it is your new asset. Opening your own fashion store, cafe or restaurant is also a dream for many. The planning, the imagining and the creation of a place where customers will love to visit is a temptation that leads to large investments of time and money.

It is a big risk. It is your bricks and mortar retail asset. It is a Digital World When it comes to the online world we often think that because your can’t see, touch or feel the furnishings or furniture that it doesn’t deserve the attention and investment of the physical. We are wired to be sensory creatures and the feel of a physical planet. The need and want for real physical assets is hardwired by time. 1. 2. 3. 4. The Power of Mobile - The Ultimate Connector. 14 Insanely Simple Mobile Marketing Techniques You Can Steal from the Fortune 500. By Jamie Turner | shared from What follows are some of the most successful mobile marketing campaigns from the past several years. There’s no point in re-inventing the wheel by spending hours coming up with different ideas — after all, you’re trying to run a business, so you have plenty on your plate already.

An insanely simple approach is to use these case studies as inspiration for your own campaigns. In other words, steal these ideas currently being used by the Fortune 500. The New Jersey Nets’ Gowalla Campaign The New Jersey Nets wanted to create buzz and generate fan engagement using Gowalla, so it hid free pairs of virtual game tickets throughout New York City. If your company is a hotel, airline, sports franchise, amusement park, water park, or any other venue that has leftover inventory during non-peak periods, this kind of promotion is ideal. HBO’s True Blood Display Ad Campaign The next thing you know, blood is dripping down from the top of your screen. A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Backchannels & Informal Assessment Tools. The Future of Learning, Networked Society by @WiscPrincipal.

9 Persuasion Lessons You Can Learn from a 4-Year-Old. How Professors Use Social Media [Infographic] A few weeks ago, I published an infographic detailing how college students use smartphones and other mobile devices. We're back in the higher education arena, but this time we're taking a good look at how professors are integrating social media in the classroom! It's no secret that social media is driving its way into classrooms, with some colleges now even offering a major in social media. Professors are extending the teacher-student relationship beyond classrooms in much the same way as companies are extending the business-customer relationship beyond their brick-and-mortar locations. Let's take a look at some key ways professors are making use of social media... Key Statistics from the Infographic 34% of faculty say they use social media in the classroom. Infographic from Your Thoughts? Have you had any experiences with social media use in the classroom?

I'd love to read your thoughts in the comments! Smartphone Use by College Students [Infographic] It’s no secret smartphone use has skyrocketed across the board the past few years, especially in many less developed countries where “Internet” and “phone” are arguably synonymous. What’s the importance of understanding mobile usage? Think about where your smartphone is from the time you wake up until the time you go to sleep at night.

If you’re anything like me, it’s either in your pocket or within a couple feet of you at all times. This is huge for us marketers, because it’s your direct connection to consumers nearly every second of the day. This is where consumers check social media, see your emails, find where you’re stores are located, browse your inventory, compare prices at the point of purchase, talk to friends, organize meetings, and so on. This is where consumers do everything. The infographic below delves into a huge and important segment of smartphone users: college students. This is an infographic you can’t miss, especially if younger consumers make up your target market. Extreme Lesson Makeover: Using YouTube, Google Docs, and Socrative to Invigorate Traditional Teaching Strategies.

The Credit Card Is The New App Platform.