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Diagram and plans for a top bar hive « mistress beek. 3 May Updated: Oct 2012 Looking to build your own top bar hive?

Diagram and plans for a top bar hive « mistress beek

If you’re a new beek, consider reviewing this pragmatic comparison of TBH vs. Langstroth hives. THE BEE PHOTOGRAPHER. Near a pond’s edge, a water-carrier bee collects the precious liquid.


A group of about 100 bees comes to get water on common water-crowfoot flowers. On hot days when the wind dries the vegetation, foragers play water carriers and fly back and forth to hydrate thirsty workers. THE BEE PHOTOGRAPHER. Backyard Beekeeping. Many beekeepers have bee hives in their back yards.

Backyard Beekeeping

Some bees are even kept on city roof-tops. Bees can travel several miles to collect nectar and pollen, so they do not need flowering plants close by. Most suburbs have plenty of flowers, and bees can make a good crop of local honey. City beekeepers must take special care so their bees do not become a nuisance to neighbors, or even appear to be a problem. Arkansas Beekeepers Association. Walter T. Kelley Company. Central Beekeepers Supply. Central Arkansas Beekeepers Association.