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Improve your English pronunciation using YouTube. Easy Bash Prompt Generator. Math Problem Solver. Find Similar or Opposite words at WordHippo. ScriptMask/Beta. Bash One-Liners :: Programming Languages. Grep Online - searches for lines matching a pattern. Online regex tester and debugger: JavaScript, Python, PHP, and PCRE. RegexPlanet - Online Regular Expression (Regex) Testing and Cookbook for: Go, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, .Net, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Tcl & XRegExp.

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Regexper. - match command-line arguments to their help text. ShellCheck – Online shell script analyzer. Useful Online Tools. | Manage, share and source your aliases online. An A-Z Index of the Bash command line for Linux | Bash. Man page. All commands | Examplenow - Linux, UNIX command line examples. Online regex tester and debugger: JavaScript, Python, PHP, and PCRE.