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Outils management de projets

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10 outils de gestion de portefeuilles de projets au crible - Journal du Net Solutions. How to Manage a Group Project in Google Wave - Google Wave - Lifehacker. Tools Gestion de Projets. Gestion de projet en ligne. Les applications bureautiques en ligne sont nombreuses (Google Docs ou Zoho pour ne citer que celles là) mais elles proposent surtout les applications bureautiques les plus classiques : traitement de texte, tableur, présentation… Voilà que Gantter propose la gestion de projet en ligne, pas du simpliste, mais du haut de gamme!

Gestion de projet en ligne

En effet on peut importer des fichiers MS Project et sauvegarder au format MSP. Je me suis contenté d’importer du MSP et on s’y croirait vraiment. Project Management. Top 25 Open Source Project Management Apps. If you are a project manager or if you plan to become one — or even if you cannot manage your personal day-to-day tasks — you might require some help from a software system designed to simplify and streamline any project or multiple projects. To help you keep your projects within budget, we’ve gathered a list of the top 25 Open Source project management apps on the market now.

“Open Source” means that the apps are free to use, and that you can tweak the code to your advantage if you so desire. This list of the top 25 Open Source project management apps offers a wide variety of software tools, from those that provide simplicity for personal projects to complicated disaster-management software systems.