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We are an online tutoring company that connects highly qualified IB tutors with students globally. Our IB tutors are handpicked based on their experience and qualifications. ++tutors never compromise on quality.

Helping IB Students Get Better. Setting SMART IB Study Goals - IB. Written By Angela N.

Setting SMART IB Study Goals - IB

S.M.A.R.T. Goals: why bother? According to Zig Zigla, American author, salesman, and motivational speaker, ‘If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.’ IB education is designed to help you maximize your potential. It is challenging enough to stretch you without breaking you. What are SMART goals? S.M.A.R.T. goals are characterized by being Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused, and Time-bound. Specific: means the goals should be articulated with simplicity and clarity. Measurable: simply means that on reaching your desired target, you should be able to quantify your achievement using tangible evidence.

Achievable: suggests that goals should be expressed in a feasible manner: if they are unattainable, instead of challenging you to higher standards, they might discourage your efforts. Results-focused: Results need to be visible. Time-bound: Specific timeframes create a practical sense of urgency. S.M.A.R.T. 20 topic Ideas for Economics IAs - IB. This Blog Post is Written by Our IB ++ Tutor Jon P.

20 topic Ideas for Economics IAs - IB

In choosing an IA topic you may be limited to the availability of articles with what is described in a ‘real world situation’. In searching for topics this list may be of assistance. It is important to remember that each IA must be done on a different section of the course (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and The Global Economy) as well as each IA must connect to a different key concept: scarcity, choice, efficiency, equity, economic well-being, sustainability, change, interdependence, and intervention.

HL Essay: All You Need to Know - IB. Written By Our IB++Tutor Birgitte J.

HL Essay: All You Need to Know - IB

What You Need to Know The HL Essay is a 1200-1500 word formal essay and it is based on a literary work studied as part of the course. You cannot use the same work for the IO or the Paper 2[1] for this essay.In the IB Language and Literature course[2], the essay can also be based on a non-literary or collection of non literary text(s).You develop a line of inquiry, a question that lends itself to an argument focused on how a theme or message is conveyed through literary features.The essay is completed in your own time and you should get some feedback from your teacher during the development of the essay.You do not have to incorporate secondary sources beyond the text you are working with.The essay is worth 20% of your final grade in the HL course, and you can score up to 5 points in the 5 criteria below:

IB Plus Plus Tutors Online IB Tutoring. Back to School in Uncertain Times (IBDP 2) By Birgitte J.

Back to School in Uncertain Times (IBDP 2)

Ella, one of my IB Diploma Programme students, felt a lot of dread in anticipation of the IB Assessments in her Senior year. She described the sensation as a pit in her stomach, as if all the years of her international school education were insignificant in comparison to what lay ahead in this final year of her schooling. Whether you are preparing to enter the 2-year IBDP or you are in your final year, you are not alone in feeling some pressure.

We all need a little hand-holding sometimes, and as a tutor, I feel we have two roles, the most important being to help you gain confidence in your own strengths. You are enough, just as you are in this moment – you’ve got this! There is no precedent for this year in your lifetime. 1-1 tutoring is by far the most efficient way to prepare yourself for what lies ahead. Finally, a word of encouragement; being successful on IB exams is not the end goal. So, let’s get to it. Mid-IB Summer Tuition Programme. The New ToK Exhibition Explained. This Blog Post from IB ++ Tutors is Written By Birgitte J.

The New ToK Exhibition Explained

The class of 2022 marks the first cohort to engage with the radically changed new curriculum. We have extrapolated the key component parts of the new ToK Exhibition from the ToK Guide (p. 39-43) for you to approach the assessment in a few easy steps. The Exhibition is an Internal Assessment graded on this rubric of up to 10 marks.

Students are required to “create an exhibition that explores how ToK manifests in the world around us”. This component is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course. The new course is centered on the core theme of “Knowledge and the knower” encouraging you to reflect on yourselves as knowers and thinkers, and to consider the different communities of knowers to which we belong. Knowledge and technology Knowledge and language Knowledge and politics Knowledge and religion Knowledge and indigenous societies ToK Exhibition Component Parts and Requirements.

Winock Limited. 20 Topic Ideas for Economics IA. This Blog Post is Written By our IB ++ Tutor Jon P.

20 Topic Ideas for Economics IA

In choosing an IA topic you may be limited to the availability of articles with what is described in a ‘real world situation’. In searching for topics this list may be of assistance. It is important to remember that each IA must be done on a different section of the course (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and The Global Economy) as well as each IA must connect to a different key concept: scarcity, choice, efficiency, equity, economic well-being, sustainability, change, interdependence and intervention. 22 Biology IA Topic Ideas. Youtube. Why are Luxury Watches preferred? Luxury watches comes with aesthetic looks and manifests opulence, these timepieces elegantly flaunts the standard, style and choice of the owner.

Why are Luxury Watches preferred?

Crafted with rich history each luxury timepiece is timeless and has a story to tell. Owning a luxury watch is an expensive affair, so choosing the best watch can be challenging. Luxury watches are captivating loaded with features that are what makes them a luxury item. Demonstrate Fine Craftsmanship & Glory:Luxury watches demand high-quality skills, time and magic of skilled artisanal horologists. Over years of experience and rigorous quality inspection protocols, a quality product such as Bausele’s men’s luxury watches are created.

Ace your IB French IA (Oral Expression) About the Author: Roseline A.

Ace your IB French IA (Oral Expression)

How to Ace Your French IA The IB curriculum for language B is structurally the same for all levels (AB, SL, HL ) however the assessments differ. The curriculum is structured around specific themes that allow students to engage with the target language through reading written texts, audio -visual stimuli, written and oral expressions. Forming a Dipeptide with Ryan M - Biology HL. 25 IB Physics IA topics. Best IB tutors from USA, Canada & Europe. Youtube. Fatty Acid Structure with Ryan M. - IB biology tutors. Looking For Interactive Online IB Tutoring, Right in Your Home? Customized IB Learning at Your Own Pace. Interactive Online IB Tutoring, Right in Your Home. Struggling With Any of the IB Subjects? Don't affect your Academics and Say Yes to Online IB Tutoring. Customized IB tutoring at the student's pace. Theory of Knowledge Demystification (2021), IB Guide - IB. Historical development(circa 1967): “Theory of Knowledge” (ToK) is now recognized as “the jewel in the IB crown”.

Theory of Knowledge Demystification (2021), IB Guide - IB

In reality and at the time of its creation, IB Enthusiasts were probably the only ones who had any idea of what it might entail. But it sounded convincing since it aimed to ensure that a degree of reflective integration could take place across the subjects of the diploma. The emphasis lay in an understanding of the philosophical basis of each discipline and how the subject categories reflected ways in which humans think about knowledge.” What is the Theory of Knowledge, you ask? Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Guide. Don’t affect your Academics and Say Yes to Online Tutoring. Helping IB Students Get Better. Online IB Tutors - Find the Better Tutor For You Today!