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Http clients

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Bee Client - A Lightweight Scala HTTP Client. Bee Client is a Scala API that wraps the standard capability for making HTTP requests more easily....Much more easily!

Bee Client - A Lightweight Scala HTTP Client

It is written in Scala but may be called (a lot less easily) from Java also. Simply create an HttpClient instance and get / post / whatever your requests. val httpClient = new HttpClient val response: Response = httpClient.get(" println(response.status) println(response.body.asString) FaKod/sjersey-client. Dispatch — Dispatch. Dispatch is a library for asynchronous HTTP interaction.

Dispatch — Dispatch

It provides a Scala vocabulary for Java’s async-http-client. The latest release version is 0.11.2. This documentation walks through basic functionality of the library. Scalaj/scalaj-http. Stackmob/newman.