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10 Beautiful Web Applications for Inspiration. Sometimes when designing a new project we get stuck and need a little inspiration. The problem I find is that all the design galleries are focused on websites, not web applications. Since marketing websites usually follow different design patterns, I don’t find them very helpful for inspiration on web app projects. So here are a few of my favorite interfaces. Here I am mostly focused on aesthetics, but for some (Gumroad in particular) you should check out their user experience first hand. YouVersion YouVersion uses great simple typography to create a clean, focused interface. Gumroad If there is anyone who pays attention to details in software design, it’s Gumroad. Flow Metalab took styles that were successful on iOS and brought them to the web.

Grooveshark Start by dragging music into a playlist, then go find even more great music. AirBnB You may not consider AirBnB to be a web application, but with their user accounts, wishlists, and other interactive features, they definitely qualify. Erreurs de design - EN. Designing complex applications is a challenging undertaking. Building applications that have both the depth to support complicated tasks and the intuitiveness to make it clear how to get that work done is a tremendous challenge. We spend a full day on this topic in our Application Design for Web and Desktop course, but we could easily spend a month to catalogue every type of problem we’ve encountered in our user-research studies. Making general recommendations about common application-design problems is difficult, because so many of the problems we observe are domain-specific. This was true 11 years ago, when the first version of this article was written, and remains so today.

Thus, our first recommendation is to do user research with your target audience: Despite the domain-specific nature of most app usability problems, here are 10 common mistakes that we frequently see across industries. 1. Apps that keep quiet leave users guessing. 1.a. 2. 3. 4. Defaults help users in many ways. 5. 25 exemples de webdesign d'applications web. Dans le paysage web de 2013, les applications web figurent parmi les services qui innovent le plus, en frôlant les limites des technologies web actuelles. Je vous propose un petit tour d’horizon de sites d’applications aux webdesign efficaces. Application web ≠ site web Par rapport à un site web « classique », qui a en général un rôle informatif ou promotionnel, l’application web doit avant tout rendre un service.

Envoyer des emails en masse, créer des présentations, générer du CSS… Avant tout cela, l’application doit surtout fonctionner comme un logiciel de bureau. En plus de l’évolution des technologies web actuelles comme HTML5, CSS3 et Javascript, l’évolution des infrastructures, l’augmentation du débit et des capacités serveurs, les applications web n’ont jamais été aussi performantes qu’aujourd’hui. Au delà du webdesign et de l’ergonomie réussis des applications, une belle page d’atterrissage est nécessaire pour capter l’attention des utilisateurs. Dropmark Ghost Cake Giftrocket Rdio.