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Authorization. Working with Features. Published: May 2010 Features in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation reduce the complexity involved in making simple site customizations, and they are robust when upgrades are applied to a deployment. Features eliminate the need to copy large chunks of code to change simple functionality. Features thus reduce versioning and inconsistency issues that may arise among front-end web servers.

Features make it easier to activate or deactivate functionality in the course of a deployment, and administrators can easily transform the template or definition of a site by simply toggling a particular Feature on or off in the user interface. Features provide the following capabilities: Features are stored on the front-end web server in the %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\FEATURES directory. Features can be installed and activated using the SharePoint Management Shell, through the object model, or through the stsadm tool.

Chart for SharePoint. CodePlex. iLove SharePoint SharePoint Tools: Lookup Field with Picker, PowerShell Scripts, SharePoint Designer Actions, PowerActivity, PowerWebPart, PowerEventReceiver, Sandboxed Solutions... will love it too. Page Views: 2527 | Downloads: 211 | Started: Jul 2, 2008 | Contributors: 1 | License: GPLv2 Tags: Sharepoint, powershell, .NET, lookup, MOSS, O365, Sandbox Solutions. Serge van den Oever [Macaw] : SharePoint Inspector - a cool WSS3.

I just stumbled accross SharePoint Inspector by Gaetan Bouveret. A great tool that allows you to explore your SharePoint Farm. It is a very developer oriented tool that gives you insight in everything that is going on inside SharePoint. Check it out! Even source code available. To get the code compiled: Download code Unzip Replace key GatWeb.snk.pfx (password protected) by your own key, name it GatWeb.snk In the current download a file FDisplayView.resx is missing, remove it from the solution (click open FDisplayView.cs) Compile and go!

Features (quoted from the codeplex site): Version SharePoint objects with reflection on their properties : Farm Servers Services Feature Definitions Solutions Databases Web Applications Site collections Websites Content Types Site Columns Features Lists Associated Workflows Event Receivers Recycle Bin ...