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Using SPWebConfigModification to modify a SharePoint web applica. At some point in your career as a SharePoint developer you may find it necessary to push out a change to a SharePoint web application's web.config file for all servers in the farm.

Using SPWebConfigModification to modify a SharePoint web applica

In the simplest of scenarios, it may be realistic to make the change to web.config manually, but if you are creating a packaged application for redistribution or there are many servers in the SharePoint farm, a better approach might be to make the web.config modifications programmatically. The WSS v3 API contains the SPWebConfigModification object which allows you to do just that. For example, if you have been following Daniel Larson's excellent series of articles on implementing AJAX in WSS v3, you know that AJAX requires an additional HttpHandler be added to a SharePoint web application's web.config in order to function properly. Here's the HttpHandler in question: Demos: A six-part series on getting the most out of SharePoint D. Welcome to Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007.

Demos: A six-part series on getting the most out of SharePoint D

Office SharePoint Designer 2007 uses FrontPage technology, but the new name reflects the emphasis on creating and customizing SharePoint sites and customizing applications on the SharePoint platform. With Office SharePoint Designer 2007, you can build sophisticated no-code solutions such as Data Views, reports, and workflow tracking quickly and easily by using menus, task panes, and templates. This six-part training demo series provides information on how power users can get the most from Office SharePoint Designer 2007. MOSS 2007, Office 2007 and WSS 3.0 Link Galore v6. MOSS 2007, Office 2007 and WSS 3.0 Link Galore v6 It seems that the SharePoint blogging community is creating SharePoint 2007 posts at very high rate … So to keep up with all this new stuff coming out, I have created a new version of SharePoint 2007 links galore – this time updated with Word 2007 ( it seems that this posting contains over 6 pages of links) – to which I added some new categories as well as whole bunch of new links.

MOSS 2007, Office 2007 and WSS 3.0 Link Galore v6

SharePoint 2007 - General information (Links added - last updated 08/15/2006) Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Labs (New category – last updated 8/15/2006)