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Kelleys Island, Ohio - An Island For All Seasons. The Official New York City Guide to NYC Attractions, Dining, Hotels and Things to Do. What to do in Chicago, Chicago hotel rooms and sites - Choose Chicago. Roller Coaster Capital & Best Amusement Park in the World | Cedar Point. A Children's Garden: 7 Sunny Garden Crafts. Into the Wind Listen to the tinkling sounds of buttons, bells, and bottle caps with this outdoor chime.

What You'll Need: Bottle caps (crown bottle caps, $3 to $4 for 50;, outdoor craft paint (optional), paintbrush (optional), fishing line, scissors, bells, tacky glue, buttons, 4"-tall flowerpot (plastic or ceramic) with a hole in the bottom, hot-glue gun Make It 1. Paint bottle caps in the colors of your choice. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.