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Common Core

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Roz What Teachers Need to Know About the Common Core State Standards. As an educator for over twenty years, I’ve witnessed numerous initiatives to improve the quality of education. With the introduction of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), I think we are finally emerging from a more “Standards Abused” era in education. I am not naïve enough to believe that the CCSS are going to cure everything that challenges teaching and learning in our classrooms. However, I am optimistic that CCSS is a vehicle for us (educators) to go back to what we all first knew.

What we all first knew is that good and effective teaching is not rooted in multiple-choice tests. Instead, student achievement is a result of effective teaching that is based on research, sound pedagogical practices, and theory. CCSS is a vehicle for us to get back to what we know is best for our students. How CCSS Gets Back to Quality Instruction When I work in schools across the United States and talk to teachers about what good instruction looks like, I will hear comments like: 1. 2. 3.

Common Core Standards Presentation - CLASS 2012 Fall Support Day.pdf. Common Core. Common Core State Standards for School Leaders. America Achieves: Welcome. Student Center Activities Aligned to CCSS. During 2004-2007, a team of teachers at FCRR collected ideas and created Student Center Activities for use in kindergarten through fifth grade classrooms.

Student Center Activities Aligned to CCSS

Accompanying these Student Center Activities is a Teacher Resource Guide and Professional Development DVD that offers important insights on differentiated instruction and how to use the student center materials. Frequently Asked Questions about Student Center Activities Use these charts to access Student Center Activities aligned to each of the Common Core State Standards (Grades K through 5). Click on the grade level below to access the activities organized by standard. A Center on Instruction document listing the standards addressed by each Student Center Activity can be accessed here . Note: All educators are welcome to make print copies of the Student Center Activities as long as modifications are not made, the materials will only be used for non-profit educational purposes, and the copyright remains the same.

Curriculum and Instruction- Frequently Asked Questions about the K-5 Student Center Activities developed by the Florida Center for Reading Research.

English Language Arts Resources

Cutting to the Common Core: Disrupting Discourse. Kate Kinsella recommends launching an Academic Language Campaign to prepare diverse learners for the Common Core State Standards The Common Core State Standards (CCSS, 2010) rolling out in 46 states aim to graduate all U.S. high school students with 21st century communication and literacy skills, career and college ready.

Cutting to the Common Core: Disrupting Discourse

These new national standards signal a pronounced shift in how academic language and literacy instruction must be approached. Four particular competencies are emphasized that represent decidedly new expectations for communication, reading, and writing development: 1) engaging with complex texts, with increased percentage of informational material; 2) conducting research and using evidence from diverse sources to construct verbal and written arguments; 3) participating in collaborative academic discussions and presentations; 4) and developing the advanced language proficiency to accomplish all of the above tasks.

References August, D., & Shanahan, T. (Eds.). (2006).