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The American Fascination With Zombies. Ed note: As Halloween rapidly approaches in the US, AiP will be exploring superstitions, beliefs, and the things that go bump in the night.

The American Fascination With Zombies

This post originally appeared on AiP on May 17th, 2011, in response to Zombie Awareness Month—oh, it’s real all right. It’s been slightly modified for this posting. I think I must be prepared. For what? The impending zombie apocalypse, of course! Why it takes silver to kill a werewolf - StumbleUpon. J.J. Abrams' mystery box. 11 ways the world could end: Road to destruction. Interested in uplifting stories on the natural world, sustainable communities, simple food, and new thinking on how to live well?

11 ways the world could end: Road to destruction

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