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Advanced Tutorial: Wet Felting a 3D Bunny Part 2. I should have called the original post "Felting a Critter" because these don't really look like bunnies anymore.

Advanced Tutorial: Wet Felting a 3D Bunny Part 2

I started by wet felting the 3D form and with this posting I am showing how I stuff them and close the seam and how I use needle felting to add detail. You can find the wet felting stage of these critters on my Advanced Tutorial: Wet Felting a 3D Bunny Part 1. You will need: wool for finishing the seam and adding any details that you want polyester fiber fill felting needles optional: skewer You will need to start by stuffing your critter with the fiber fill.

On my smaller bunny, the the ears felted closed and I was unable to stuff them. You will be surprised at how much stuffing can go into one of these little critters! Work your way across the seam. Before you completely close the seam up, add more stuffing. Finally, you can add detail with needle felting. With the larger one I did the exact same process as the small one: stuff and needle felt. My finished critters. Felt Chick in Egg Tutorial. Wooly Bullies. Needle Felted Carrot and Bunnies Tutorial. Needle felted carrot bag with bunnies inside The carrot bag is for carrying childhood treasures, be it smooth stones or secret notes or acorns or candies!

Needle Felted Carrot and Bunnies Tutorial

I’ve included a tutorial for how to make the carrot bag and the four little bunnies that are inside of it; delight and surprise your children with this whimsical bag/toy:) The basics of this tutorial can be applied to any fruit, vegatable or other item of your choosing. The carrot bag is for girls and boys Needle felted bunnies live inside the bag Carrot Bag and Bunnies Tutorial Materials: orange wool (around 12g.) green wool (around 10g.) green curly wool (about 4g. or a handful) white wool for bunnies (4g.) poly fiber-fill stuffing or core wool (about 60g.) ribbon (20″) sewing thread (for wrapping the base shape) felting needles-medium gauge (36pt. 38pt.) sponge-needle felting surface 1. 2. 3.a. 3.b. 3.c. 4.a. Needle Felting Hooty Owl Tutorial. Needle Felted Hooty Owls There are many different kinds of owls, each cuter than the next.

Needle Felting Hooty Owl Tutorial

(Barn Owl, Screech Owl, Great Horned Owl, Snowy Owl…) 216 species in all! As a needle felting project, these cute birds are easy to make, as a Waldorf style toy, they are fun to play with, find out for yourself! Emili holds the Hooty Owls in nests Materials: Wool-I use coarse wool (like Shetland, New Zealand or Corringdale) whenever possible. beige wool-body, head (base shape), wings grey wool-fluffy body covering, wings, lines around eyes. Felt Alive's Guide to Needle Felting & Needle Felting Supplies. What kind of wool do I need for needle felting?

Felt Alive's Guide to Needle Felting & Needle Felting Supplies

There are many, many choices out there. Roving, Tops, Batting...from so many varieties of sheep...and you can even needle felt with other animal fibers like Alpaca. I have found you can needle felt with nearly any type of fiber but for creating lifelike needle felted sculptures, there a select few that work well for me. I need wool that offers special qualities to attain a well felted piece that is flexible and durable. I also don't like to stab at the wool for hours on end so wool that felts fast with a needle is always my choice.

Wool? Raw Fleece - unwashed, right off the animal Scoured Fleece - Scoured to remove lanolin (oil) and dirt but with the lock structure intact. I have found that wool in batting form (wide sheets) seems to work great for sculptural needle felting. Batting is loftier than wool and less organized. Once the core structure is complete, I cover this with dyed wool batting. Merino Prefelt! Fashionable Felt Online Class. Wool Felting Fibers, and Wool Blend Felting Fiber, perfect for wet felting, needle felting, and more.. Halcyon Yarn, Quality and Value for Fiber Artists. About: Ashford NZ Wool Fiber to Spin and Felt Brighten your spinning and felting with colorful New Zealand Corriedale.

Wool Felting Fibers, and Wool Blend Felting Fiber, perfect for wet felting, needle felting, and more.. Halcyon Yarn, Quality and Value for Fiber Artists

Ashford's wool fiber has in a huge array of colors - ready to spin, blend and felt. Beginning spinners- This is your fiber! Its natural crimp, keeps it from slipping through your fingers quite as quickly. This bit of extra time makes it easier to focus on the mechanics of spinning. Hand Dyed Wool Roving. Appetizer. Favorite Supply Sources/Resources for felt making - FIBER ARTS. Marlene's Felting Madness - felting supplies, fiber & embellishments.