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One Year in the world of Transmedia and Multiplatform Storytelling « Simon Staffans // Transmedia Development. Following up on my curation of my blog from last year – “One Year In Transmedia” – I today published “One Year In Now Media”. It’s a curation of this blog, with a number of articles divided into subsections according to topic. It’s available for free on Slideshare on a Creative Commons license. I’m very grateful towards all the people that took time out from their hectic schedules to answer a few questions of mine - Brian Clark, Christy Dena, Jeff Gomez, Ian Ginn, Andrea Phillips, Robert Pratten, Inga Von Staden, Nuno Bernardo, Michael Monello, Chantal Rickards, Steve Stokes, Yomi Ayeni, Scott Walker, Lance Weiler, Liz Rosenthal and Nick DeMartino. Brilliant people, all in their own ways.

Thank you. I’m hoping to be able to release a version 2.0 of this release, including some unique content that looks at multiplatform storytelling, traditional media like television and the challenges and possibilities ahead and how to confront them and make use of the in the best possible way. How to Make Transmedia Better in 2013 | THIS IS TRANSMEDIA. Transmedia is going to get big in 2013, which means lots of opportunity for independent transmedia producers. Here are five ways to stay relevant as audiences embrace transmedia: Stop trying to figure out what to call it. We’re calling it transmedia. I know you prefer immersive storyworld or multi-platform story architecting, but those are never going to catch on. And yes I know that TEDxTransmedia speaker said no one will use the term transmedia in a few years, but he’s wrong. He’s right, transmedia is just storytelling and we need to be clear when explaining it, but if someone says “What sort of project are you working on?”

What do you think transmedia producers should focus on in 2013? Mike Vogel Mike Vogel is the creator of Phrenic, a transmedia thriller you watch, read, and play. Latest posts by Mike Vogel (see all) Transmedia-Final-050412. "About:Kate": Ulmen realisiert crossmediales Storytelling für Arte. Bienvenue sur Alt Minds. ALT-MINDS - Trailer 1 (english version) 5 Lessons For Storytellers From The Transmedia World. In April of 2001, a close friend sent me a link to the "Anti-Robot Militia," which was just like it sounds: a hate group against robots. One click later, I was hopelessly hooked on a marketing campaign for the film A.I. Compelling story, new technology, and an online community called the Cloudmakers all came together in a perfect storm of immersive entertainment. This was my first taste of the future, and I’ve been trying to recreate that experience ever since.

We didn’t know what to call it at the time. Now we’d call it transmedia. Transmedia storytelling is the art of breaking up one story or experience over multiple media, so that each medium is making a special and unique contribution to the whole. So here are five of those lessons extracted from my new book, A Creator’s Guide to Transmedia Storytelling. Interaction makes people care about you At its heart, this is the promise of social media. Deep, cheap, or mainstream: you only get two, so choose wisely Simplicity spreads. What the hell is transmedia? From advertising campaigns to online video series, the term ‘transmedia’ gets quite the work out. But what does it actually mean? Cathie McGinn trawls the media landscape for a definitive definition. Transmedia, all media and multiplatform are terms often used interchangeably when referencing modern storytelling techniques. Yet, depending who you speak to, there are distinct differences between them.

According to industry experts Encore spoke to, the key elements that define transmedia can be summarised as follows: platform, time, audience, adaptation, and creative collaboration. “Transmedia projects involve the use of more than one medium to tell multiple stories from the same story world,” says Christy Dena, author of the first PhD on transmedia practice. Another factor is the idea of contemporaneousness; in general a transmedia production has the intention of telling the story across several channels from the outset. Transmedia: Entertainment reimagined. This article was taken from the August issue of Wired magazine. Be the first to read Wired's articles in print before they're posted online, and get your hands on loads of additional content by subscribing online Esther Robinson got off the R train in Astoria, Queens, and started walking to the American Museum of the Moving Image.

It was a warm July evening in 2007 and Robinson, then 37 years old and a filmmaker, had come with a friend to see a movie, Head Trauma. As they approached the cinema, she noticed that the payphones were ringing -- all four of them. "You forget payphones exist," recalls Robinson. "That was the first thing I noticed. " She picked one up: all she could hear were fragments of a conversation, "sounds of madness". The film was about a drifter who inherits his mother's house and starts to lose his mind. Unwittingly, she had just participated in an emerging form of mainstream entertainment. This is transmedia storytelling. Is the 1% rule dead? The BBC thinks so, but it’s wrong — European technology news. Transmedia Next | Training for Experienced Media Professionals. MediaPost Publications Telling A Brand Story Through Transmedia 03/26/2012 | Stories - an experience for your audience -

Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age. Joe Sabia: The technology of storytelling. Millennial Musings | Where Gen-Y and Digital Media Collide.

