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Katarina Build Guide. Skill Sequence SPACE Alright, it may seem a bit strange to max Bouncing Blades over Shunpo, but early game is laning phase, and the blade just DOMINATES over Shunpo.

Katarina Build Guide

Let's see what happens when you have Shunpo, as for last hitting you can jump to mob and last hit it and then get harassed by your enemy, as for enemy harassment you can jump towards him, hit him, but again get harassed even harder back to yourself, and now at the Bouncing Blades, you can last hit with it safely, but don't overdo it, only when you have to, and you can harass enemy from amazing range while he won't be able to touch you.

Bouncing Blades uses both while Shunpo uses only AP so yeah, you will even have more DMG, more farm and more kills using the blade over shunpo :) I believe the rest doesn't truly need to be explained, you get Gameplay - One sinister calling! Early Game: Alright, it's time to explain this, top to bottom, let's begin. The opposite team will probably pick load of stuns - you can expect Leona or Malzahar Ahri. Brand Build Guide. Guide for Brand - The Burning Vengeance Please comment and try the build and strategies before voting.

Brand Build Guide

Thank you. Last Updated: 03-12-2011 I. PrefaceII. This build excels in solo queuing in ranked games. Abbreviated Terms AA = Auto-attack (Basic Attacks)AD = Attack DamageAP = Ability PowerAS = Attack SpeedAoE = Area of EffectCC = Crowd Control (Stun, fear, slow, snare, etc)CDR = Cooldown ReductionDoT = Damage over TimeELO = Elo rating (Rating system designed by Arpad Elo that is now used in gaming communities worldwide)FB = First BloodGP10 = Gold Per 10HP = HealthLS = Life StealMD = Magic DamageMP = ManaMR = Magic ResistanceMS = Movement SpeedOOM = Out of ManaSV = Spell VampDPS = Damage Per Second; also: Strong Auto-attackerMDPS = Magical Damage Per Second; also:Strong spells; castersMP5 = Mana Regeneration per 5 secondsHP5 = Health Regeneration per 5 secondsArPen = Armor PenetrationMPen = Magic Penetration Here is a list of the strengths and weaknesses that Brand has.

Sear LeBlanc Singed or. Pantheon Build Guide. Introduction Hello and welcome to my Pantheon guide :).

Pantheon Build Guide

I would like to thank everyone for supporting this guide and for helping me improve myself over the last year. This guide is a bit old. Actually, it was my first one. So I will do my best to remake it into today's situations, and try to give you a good and effective way to play with Pantheon. Pantheon and it cannot be precise enough for every single match. -Come back with your shield,or on it- Pros/Cons As any character in the League, Pantheon has some very strong advantages but also some annoying disadvantages. Pantheon's weaknesses and strengths is a very important part for understanding his game philosophy.

Masteries As a Pantheon player I've tried a lot of possible mastery combinations. Offensive approach Offensive tree Summoner's Wrath : Five free attack damage while Ignite is on cooldown. Brute Force : Three attack damage is not anything noticable, but its helpful for proceeding down the offense tree. Aegis Protection faster. Alternative. Master Yi Build Guide. Introduction Master Yi is a champion of many possibilities.

Master Yi Build Guide

He can be played either AD or AP. When played AD, he can be glass canon, tanky damage dealer or offtank. I think its best to build him as tanky damage dealer. You still have absolutely amazing damage, while having decent health with good MR and Armor.. Master Yi's story Keeper of the ancient art of Wuju, Master Yi is a mystical warrior from the isle of Ionia. Singed. After the Noxian invasion was contained, Master Yi fell into a deep isolation. "The art of Wuju lives on in Master Yi, and is plunged through the hearts of his foes. " Master Yi - The basic Release Date: October 27, 2009Attributes: Carry, MeleeCost: 450 IP Points or 260 RP Points Health AverageAttack StrongSpells WeakDifficulty Easy Pros / Cons How to counter Cons Not so great in team fights You should not initiate first.

Malzahar. Vulnerability to disables Master Yi's vulnerability to CC is one of his biggest flaws. Quicksilver Sash and situational defensive items like Flash.