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Top 10 Unusual Homes Around The World. When describing the dream home, we each have in mind our own ideas and designs. We are all unique and different and this is why each person envisions a space differently. Some people like to keep things simple and classical while others prefer a more adventurous solution. This has sometimes resulted in the creation of some very unusual and intriguing homes.

Here are just a few examples: The World’s Skinniest House. We’re going to start with the world’s slimmest home. The Keret House is in fact a very narrow space in between two buildings. Moreover, the house also has an open stairway and an entire wall of windows. Apartment With Basketball Court. We now go from small to large. This space was actually a warehouse at some point. The living room is the central space.

Skate house. Next on our list are two intriguing homes based on a similar concept. Situated high on a cliff in Malibu, the house also provides privacy and given the owner the liberty of enjoying it to its full potential. Soggy Bottom Boys- I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow. How to stay safe when holiday shopping online. It's that time of the year again, when savvy shoppers like yourself head to your favorite online retailers to avoid the ridiculous shenanigans and flesh-pressing of Black Friday. But just because you know enough to buy online doesn't mean that there aren't some good tips worth paying attention to.

Here are a few worth repeating for habitual online shoppers. Change your passwords now because chances are, you haven't in a long time. Change your e-mail account password, change your banking password, and change the passwords for online shopping accounts like at Amazon. A good tip for choosing new passwords is to use at least four random words separated by spaces, as demonstrated in this XKCD comic. Log out when you're done. Use two browsers to minimize your exposure to vulnerabilities. Browse smarter by looking for HTTPS in the URL bar and green security badges on your shopping sites. Pay with a credit card to minimize fraud risks. Use a VPN to encrypt your Web traffic. More than Human: Animal Portraits by Tim Flach. A renowned London-based photographer Tim Flach presents his work of seven years in an animal portrait book called “More than Human“.

By taking striking close-up shots of various animals, Tim attempts to demonstrate how close can animal gestures and poses get to those of the humans. What looks like images of unselfconscious and spontaneous reactions of the animals, is actually a result of long research and observation done by the artist. Every animal responds differently to temperature changes, light, human presence and even sounds – some of them would feel better with the music on, while the other would get intimidated by it. The carefully lit and cropped images evoke unexpected sense of intimacy and empathy even with the less cuddly animal models. Tim did everything to create individual settings for all of them, and his magnificent pictures prove that all the efforts paid off.

Website: More than Human is available at and