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Information Retrieval Resources. Information on Information Retrieval (IR) books, courses, conferences and other resources. Books on Information Retrieval (General) Introduction to Information Retrieval. C.D. Manning, P. Raghavan, H. Schütze. Cambridge UP, 2008. Classical and web information retrieval systems: algorithms, mathematical foundations and practical issues. Books on Web Information Retrieval Information Retrieval in Practice. Good books for implementing a search engine Managing Gigabytes (see above) Building Search Applications: Lucene, Lingpipe, and Gate. Online Books - Browsable Introduction to Information Retrieval (see above)Finding Out About (see above) Information Retrieval.

Online Books - PDF Introduction to Information Retrieval (see above) Information Retrieval in Practice. Courses Berkeley (SIMS) CMU Cornell DePaul IIT Johns Hopkins I Johns Hopkins II Maryland MPI Otago Pittsburgh Princeton Stanford Stuttgart TexasUMASS Popular Articles Wikipedia: Information Retrieval A. Software C. Clustering - K-means. A Tutorial on Clustering Algorithms Introduction | K-means | Fuzzy C-means | Hierarchical | Mixture of Gaussians | Links K-Means Clustering The Algorithm K-means (MacQueen, 1967) is one of the simplest unsupervised learning algorithms that solve the well known clustering problem. The procedure follows a simple and easy way to classify a given data set through a certain number of clusters (assume k clusters) fixed a priori.

The main idea is to define k centroids, one for each cluster. These centroids shoud be placed in a cunning way because of different location causes different result. Where is a chosen distance measure between a data point and the cluster centre , is an indicator of the distance of the n data points from their respective cluster centres. The algorithm is composed of the following steps: K-means is a simple algorithm that has been adapted to many problem domains. Here is an example showing how the means m1 and m2 move into the centers of two clusters. Bibliography.

JUNG - Java Universal Network/Graph Framework. Java Universal Network/Graph Framework JUNG2 Maven Generated Site (version 2.0) JUNG API Javadoc (version 2.0) JUNG Manual (version 2.0, in progress) Release Notes JUNG 2.0 Tutorial: this is a tutorial for JUNG 2.0 contributed (and updated, and hosted) by Greg Bernstein, a member of the JUNG community. Thanks, Greg! Items Below are Obsolete Understanding the JUNG Visualization System (26 September 2005) Analysis and Visualization of Network Data using JUNG (unpublished preprint) Previous versions of the API documentation may be downloaded from the SourceForge JUNG release page.

The old versions were removed from this site to prevent people from accidentally accessing old versions of the documentation via search engines. Text Documents Clustering using K-Means Algorithm. Download source code - 53.5 KB Introduction Clustering can be considered the most important unsupervised learning problem; so, as every other problem of this kind, it deals with finding a structure in a collection of unlabeled data. A loose definition of clustering could be “the process of organizing objects into groups whose members are similar in some way”. A cluster is therefore a collection of objects which are coherent internally, but clearly dissimilar to the objects belonging to other clusters. In this case we easily identify the 3 clusters into which the data can be divided; the similarity criterion is distance: two or more objects belong to the same cluster if they are “close” according to a given distance (in this case geometrical distance).

Classification Clustering algorithms may be classified as listed below Algorithms Agglomerative (Hierarchical clustering)K-Means (Flat clustering, Hard clustering)EM Algorithm (Flat clustering, Soft clustering) K-Means Algorithm. UCI Machine Learning Repository: Reuter_50_50 Data Set. Source: Dataset creator and donator: ZhiLiu, e-mail: liuzhi8673 '@', institution: National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning, Hubei Wuhan, China Data Set Information: The dataset is the subset of RCV1.

These corpus has already been used in author identification experiments. In the top 50 authors (with respect to total size of articles) were selected. 50 authors of texts labeled with at least one subtopic of the class CCAT(corporate/industrial) were selected.That way, it is attempted to minimize the topic factor in distinguishing among the texts. The training corpus consists of 2,500 texts (50 per author) and the test corpus includes other 2,500 texts (50 per author) non-overlapping with the training texts. Attribute Information: Attributes of the dataset are character n-grams(n=1-5) Relevant Papers: J. Citation Request: Please refer to the donator Zhi Liu from National Engineering Research Center For E-Learning Technology,China.

Databases | Java Machine Learning Library (Java-ML) We provide mirrors for a number of well known datasets and we host a number of datasets that have been used in the scientific literature for validation. UCI datasets One of the most well-known repositories of machine learning related datasets is the UCI Machine Learning Repository.

Currently they host over 170 datasets related to number of machine learning fields including classification, clustering and regression. We provide two packages, first a collection of 111 'small' datasets that contain less than 10 Mb of data, and second a set of 7 larger datasets which have over 10 Mb of data. Download 111 small UCI datasetsDownload 7 large UCI datasets For full details on all datasets we would like to refer to the home page of the UCI repository. Stemming and lemmatization. Next: Faster postings list intersection Up: Determining the vocabulary of Previous: Other languages. Contents Index For grammatical reasons, documents are going to use different forms of a word, such as organize, organizes, and organizing.

Additionally, there are families of derivationally related words with similar meanings, such as democracy, democratic, and democratization. In many situations, it seems as if it would be useful for a search for one of these words to return documents that contain another word in the set. The goal of both stemming and lemmatization is to reduce inflectional forms and sometimes derivationally related forms of a word to a common base form. Am, are, is be car, cars, car's, cars' car The result of this mapping of text will be something like: the boy's cars are different colors the boy car be differ color However, the two words differ in their flavor. Would map replacement to replac, but not cement to c. English stopwords. How Internet Search Engines Work" The good news about the Internet and its most visible component, the World Wide Web, is that there are hundreds of millions of pages available, waiting to present information on an amazing variety of topics.

The bad news about the Internet is that there are hundreds of millions of pages available, most of them titled according to the whim of their author, almost all of them sitting on servers with cryptic names. When you need to know about a particular subject, how do you know which pages to read? If you're like most people, you visit an Internet search engine. Internet search engines are special sites on the Web that are designed to help people find information stored on other sites. There are differences in the ways various search engines work, but they all perform three basic tasks: Early search engines held an index of a few hundred thousand pages and documents, and received maybe one or two thousand inquiries each day. Reuters-21578 Text Categorization Test Collection. Reuters Corpora @ NIST. In 2000, Reuters Ltd made available a large collection of Reuters News stories for use in research and development of natural language processing, information retrieval, and machine learning systems.

This corpus, known as "Reuters Corpus, Volume 1" or RCV1, is significantly larger than the older, well-known Reuters-21578 collection heavily used in the text classification community. In Fall of 2004, NIST took over distribution of RCV1 and any future Reuters Corpora. You can now get these datasets by sending a request to NIST and by signing the agreements below. What's available The stories in the Reuters Corpus are under the copyright of Reuters Ltd and/or Thomson Reuters, and their use is governed by the following agreements: Organizational agreement This agreement must be signed by the person responsible for the data at your organization, and sent to NIST.

Individual agreement Getting the corpus Download and print the Organizational and Individual agreement forms above. The article, Lewis, D. - text-analysis - Reuters Corpus, Volume 1, English language - 90 Categories - Collection of methods to analyse text content. My favorites ▼ | Sign in Project Home Downloads Wiki Issues Source Terms - Privacy - Project Hosting Help Powered by Google Project Hosting.

Clustering text documents using k-means. This is an example showing how the scikit-learn can be used to cluster documents by topics using a bag-of-words approach. This example uses a scipy.sparse matrix to store the features instead of standard numpy arrays. Two feature extraction methods can be used in this example: TfidfVectorizer uses a in-memory vocabulary (a python dict) to map the most frequent words to features indices and hence compute a word occurrence frequency (sparse) matrix. The word frequencies are then reweighted using the Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) vector collected feature-wise over the corpus.HashingVectorizer hashes word occurrences to a fixed dimensional space, possibly with collisions.

The word count vectors are then normalized to each have l2-norm equal to one (projected to the euclidean unit-ball) which seems to be important for k-means to work in high dimensional space.HashingVectorizer does not provide IDF weighting as this is a stateless model (the fit method does nothing). How to build a web spider. Implementing a Java Web Crawler. Implementing a Java web crawler is a fun and challenging task often given in university programming classes. You may also actually need a Java web crawler in your own applications from time to time. You can also learn a lot about Java networking and multi-threading while implementing a Java web crawler. This tutorial will go through the challenges and design decisions you face when implementing a Java web crawler. Java Web Crawler Designs When implementing a web crawler in Java you have a few major design possibilities to choose from.

Singlethreaded, synchronous crawler Multithreaded, concurrent crawler Singlethreaded, nio based crawler Multithreaded, nio based crawler Each of these design possibilities can be implemented with extra variations, so that the total number of designs is somewhat larger. The main design requirements are speed and memory consumption. Singlethreaded, Synchronous Web Crawler A singlethreaded, synchronous Java web crawler is a simple component. Create intelligent Web spiders. This article demonstrates how to create an intelligent Web spider based on standard Java network objects. The heart of this spider is a recursive routine that can perform depth-first Web searches based on keyword/phrase criteria and Webpage characteristics. Search progress displays graphically using a JTree structure. I address issues such as resolving relative URLs, avoiding reference loops, and monitoring memory/stack usage. In addition, I demonstrate the proper use of Java network objects used in accessing and parsing remote Webpages.

Spider demonstration program The demonstration program consists of the user interface class SpiderControl; the Web-searching class Spider; the two classes used to build a JTree showing the results, UrlTreeNode and UrlNodeRenderer; and two classes to help verify integer input into the user interface, IntegerVerifier and VerifierListener. An instance of the Spider class running in a separate thread conducts the Web search.

The Spider class. How to make a Web crawler using Java? There are a lot of useful information on the Internet. How can we automatically get those information? – Yes, Web Crawler. In this post, I will show you how to make a prototype of Web crawler step by step by using Java. Making a Web crawler is not as difficult as it sounds. Just follow the guide and you will quickly get there in about 1 hour or less, and then enjoy the huge amount of information that it can get for you. I assume you know the following: Basic Java programmingA little bit about SQL and MySQL Database. 1. In this tutorial, the task is as the following: Given a school root URL, e.g., “”, return all pages that contains a string “PhD” from this school A typical crawler works in the following steps: Parse the root web page (“”), and get all links from this page. 2.

If you are using Ubuntu, you can following this guide to install Apache, MySQL, PHP, and phpMyAdmin. If you are using Windows, you can simply use WampServer. 3. 4. 1). 2). 3). 4). How to write a multi-threaded webcrawler in Java. Table of Contents This page Here you can... ... learn how to write a multithreaded Java application... learn how to write a webcrawler... by the way learn how to write stuff that is object-oriented and reusable... or use the provided webcrawler more or less off-the-shelf.

More or less in this case means that you have to be able to make minor adjustments to the Java source code yourself and compile it. You will need the Sun Java 2 SDK for this. This web page discusses the Java classes that I originally wrote to implement a multithreaded webcrawler in Java. To understand this text, it is therefore necessary to download the Java source code for the multithreaded webcrawler This code is in the public domain. 1 Why another webcrawler? Why would anyone want to program yet another webcrawler? Although wget is powerful, for my purposes (originally: obtaining .wsdl-files from the web) it required a webcrawler that allowed easy customization. 2 Multithreading Processing items in a queue Messages Robots. » How to make a web crawler in under 50 lines of Python code 'Net Instructions. Simple web crawler / scraper tutorial using requests module in python. Scrapy | An open source web scraping framework for Python. Simple Web Crawler. Semantic Search Art. Open source Clustering software. Scatter plot. K-means clustering. Parallel coordinates. ELKI. Step-By-Step K-Means Example. Colt - Welcome. Datasets. Lemur Project Home. Piti86 / home. Sergio Gómez homepage - DEIM - URV. Introduction to Information Retrieval. JUNG - Java Universal Network/Graph Framework. Text Documents Clustering using K-Means Algorithm. K Means Clustering with Tf-idf Weights | Blog | Jonathan Zong. HBase - Installing Apache HBase (TM) on Windows using Cygwin. CouchDB Java API - LightCouch. Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice.

Apache HttpComponents - Apache HttpComponents. MongoDB. Apache CouchDB. Jsoup Java HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery. Databases | Java Machine Learning Library (Java-ML) Free Search API. Clustering Snippets With Carrot2 | Index Data. K Means Clustering with Tf-idf Weights | Blog | Jonathan Zong. K-Means Clustering - Apache Mahout. Custom Search - Basic. APIs Console. Using REST to Invoke the API - Custom Search. | CommonCrawl. Weka 3 - Data Mining with Open Source Machine Learning Software in Java. MapReduce:Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters. Book. Dawid Weiss - Lematyzator dla języka polskiego. JAMA: Java Matrix Package. Carrot2 - Open Source Search Results Clustering Engine. The Anatomy of a Search Engine.

Mining the Web. The Web Robots Pages. Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej. English stopwords. Stemming and lemmatization. Clustering - K-means. The Lovins stemming algorithm. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.