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Protective Measures Against COVID-19. Pioneer Healthcare Clinic is encouraging all our clients for Primary Care in Mesquite, Texas, to stay up to date on the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the WHO website and provided by your national and local public health authorities.

Protective Measures Against COVID-19

Taking Care of You and Your Baby during Pregnancy. Getting prenatal care is one of the basic needs every new mother should meet.

Taking Care of You and Your Baby during Pregnancy

Here, they can be given personalized care that will cater to their specific conditions, with regular check-ups from their Healthcare Clinic in Texas. Their care provider may advise getting the following tests after conducting a pregnancy test, to assure that the fetus is developing properly: A pelvic exam to check the size and shape of the womb.A pap smearAn ultrasound What should I eat? Proper nourishment and a balanced diet are some of the best things a new mother can do for themselves and their baby. Meat, eggs, and fish.Fruit and vegetables.Dairy What vitamins should I take?

Pregnant women are advised to take at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day – this helps prevent problems with your baby’s brain and spinal cord development. Pregnancy Tips for First Time Moms. Shingles: A Painful but Preventable Disease. The virus that causes chickenpox in our younger years lies dormant in our cell and can cause shingles in the future, according to the American Public Health Association.

Shingles: A Painful but Preventable Disease

Shingles is a rash of fluid-filled blisters on an area of the skin affecting only a specific side of the body. Are You Not Eating Enough Protein? Studies show higher-protein meals or snacks can help reduce hunger and extend the feeling of being full.

Are You Not Eating Enough Protein?

A Healthcare Clinic in Texas advices patients to get the right amount of protein in their diets, as it is a keystone of weight loss and healthy eating. Protein is available in various foods you eat every day, like poultry, meat, dairy, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts, etc. The recommended daily allowance for men ages 19–50 is 56 grams per day and about 46 grams per day for women. Asthma Management: Tips for Better Days at Home. Common Back-to-School Checkup Questions. It is always a good idea to ensure that your child is ready to start the school year in the best shape possible.

Common Back-to-School Checkup Questions

Back to school – it is almost here. No matter what grade your child is about to start, there is one early task you should not overlook: the back-to-school checkup. Pioneer Healthcare Clinic, a reputable provider of primary care in Mesquite, Texas, lists down some common back-to-school checkup questions that most parents have. Why do schools require children to have proof of their health physicals? School health forms verify that children have been seen for routine, well child exams. Coping with a Breast Cancer Diagnosis. In the United States, there are three million women who have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

Coping with a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

However, it’s important to note that breast cancer doesn’t just affect the patient, it actually extends its effect on the patient’s family and loved ones. Rather than just the three million women recorded by statistics, we could say that this type of cancer affects millions more. It’s a sad day for any family when one of their own receives news about breast cancer. As advocates for preventive health, our team at Pioneer Healthcare Clinic in Texas would like to share this article on coping with the diagnosis: Know what to expect.There will be several laboratory tests and procedures related to breast cancer staging. 5 Ways to Control Your Diabetes. Diabetes is a condition that requires lifelong, personalized care.

5 Ways to Control Your Diabetes

After receiving Primary Care in Mesquite, Texas for high blood sugar levels, you will need to consider the following ways to control your diabetes: Strive to exercise regularlyRegular exercise helps the body use blood sugar efficiently for energy. At the same time, it helps you maintain your healthy weight. Regulate your carb (carbohydrates) consumptionCarbohydrates break down into sugars.

Too many carbohydrates can cause an increase in blood sugar levels. 5 Ways You Can Ace Your Diabetes Management. Control Your Blood Pressure Easily with These Tips. Increased amounts of blood pressure don’t always come with symptoms, but the complications that they bring to your health can be fatal.

Control Your Blood Pressure Easily with These Tips

If left unattended, high blood pressure can increase your risk for a heart attack, stroke, heart disease, kidney problems, etc. The 2 Reasons Why You Should Know You’re Pregnant ASAP. Getting pregnant can be both a challenging and exciting time for the woman bearing the child.

The 2 Reasons Why You Should Know You’re Pregnant ASAP

When they are anticipating for the baby’s arrival, the knowledge of the pregnancy can be just pure bliss. On the other hand, when the baby comes at surprise timing, it can make the mom feel unprepared. As advocates of women’s health in our family practice clinic in Garland, Texas, we believe that it’s essential for every woman to be aware of their pregnancy the sooner the better. When they are experiencing early signs such as missed monthly period, they should get a pregnancy test right away. We believe that knowing you’re pregnant as soon as possible can save lives – both yours and your baby’s.