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Progressive Enhancement with CSS. In the previous article in this series, we covered the basic concept of progressive enhancement; now, we can begin discussing how to use it.

Progressive Enhancement with CSS

There are many ways to integrate progressive enhancement into your work using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and this article will cover a few of the biggies and get you thinking about other ways to progressively enhance your sites. Style sheet organization#section1 A lot of web designers and developers don’t think much about how they incorporate stylesheets into their documents, but there is a real art to it. With the right methods, you can immediately gain many of the benefits of progressive enhancement. Effective Writing - George Orwell. In our society, the study of language and literature is the domain of poets, novelists, and literary critics.

Effective Writing - George Orwell

Language is considered a decorative art, fit for entertainment and culture, but practically useless in comparison to the concrete sciences. Just look at the value of a college degree in English versus one in computer science or accounting. CSS Rounded Corners 'Roundup' 4Google + Note: This post is continually updated as I come across new techniques.

CSS Rounded Corners 'Roundup'

This collection of techniques to create boxes with rounded corners using CSS has become quite popular. The problem now is there are so many choices it's hard to know which one to choose. To that end I've provided some more information about each method in order to help people choose which best fits their needs.