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Time to Tap the Family Bank? Benefits and Pitfalls of Intra-Family Loans. We’ve all heard stories of families and friendships torn asunder because of disagreements over money.

Time to Tap the Family Bank? Benefits and Pitfalls of Intra-Family Loans

So my curiosity was piqued when a press release about new research on the pitfalls of personal loans landed in my inbox. Jason Zweig, columnist at the Wall Street Journal, also tweeted the report, describing it as “the gnarly psychology of lending money to people you know.” Gnarly, indeed, given the fact that intra-family loans are increasingly popular among wealthy clients in this low interest rate environment. Some families are even turning to the “family bank” to help a child or grandchild pay for college.

According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, “In some cases, rather than turning to a bank, families are setting up their own loans with grandparents or parents becoming the lender.” Another advantage of these transactions is that the total interest expense over the life of the loan stays within the family instead of being paid to a bank. Gail E. Quand la Lotus E20 passe à l’atelier peinture. Avant les essais du Mugello, les E20 ont regagné Enstone la semaine dernière pour des vérifications de routine et la maintenance.

Quand la Lotus E20 passe à l’atelier peinture

Un élément de cet entretien consistait à remettre en état chaque pièce dont la peinture a été endommagée. Nous avons discuté avec l’équipe des composites pour en savoir plus. La E20 semble toujours impeccable en piste. La peinture utilisée est-elle différente de celle d’une voiture de série ? "La peinture, en elle-même, est très similaire. Comment préparez-vous la surface ? "Encore une fois, c’est assez comparable, mais sur les basiques. La méthode est-elle différente selon la couleur ? "Elle est la même mais, étonnamment, le poids peut varier de manière assez sensible.

La peinture est, bien sûr, souvent abimée par les sorties de piste ou simplement par l’usure générale. "En fait, c’est l’autre différence principale avec une voiture normale. Quelle technique utilisez-vous ? "C’est un processus méticuleux. "En fait, cela peut receler quelques surprises. Allison sheds a light on Lotus' mistakes. This article is an extract of "Lotus blossoms", an article written by Ian Bamsey and published in F1 Race Technology Volume 6.

Allison sheds a light on Lotus' mistakes

If you wish to read more, you can buy the issue at and put 'f1technical' as voucher code to benefit a 10% reduction on your purchase price. The squad known these days as the Lotus F1 Team has four Drivers’ and three Constructors’ Championships to its credit, but slumped after its last crowns in 2005 and 2006. Lately it has been clawing its way back to the front under the technical leadership of James Allison. He first worked for the team in its Benetton days in the early 1990s. Having moved elsewhere, he came back to its Enstone base as head of aerodynamics in the mid-90s before moving to Ferrari in 2000. “We’d had a brilliant run in 2005-6 and had stolen a march on several teams,” he remarked. Things have turned around since Genii got involved for 2010, Allison explained. How much does the forward exhaust compromise the engine performance?

Tech Files F1: Technical side of F1 (Part 1) Tech Files F1: Technical side of F1 (Part 1)