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Original Premium Wordpress Theme | Magazine Wordpress Theme | Corporate Wordpress Themes: Theme Fuse. Mac OS X Lion with CSS3. Hello everyone and Happy New Year to all, lately i’ve been busy and so i haven’t time to write here, i hope that by this experiment to be pardoned :). I wanted to create with only use of CSS3 the boot, the login page and finally the desktop of the Mac OS X Lion. This is the first release and as you will see not everything is fully functional and at least as regards the desktop.

In the next release i will implement new icons and new features while we examine what we have today. Boot This is simply the Mac OS X Lion boot. Login This section mainly consists of a clock, two images (logos and avatars user name), two backgrounds and a password input field. Thanks to the :target pseudo-class can be passed from one section to another. The animation of password error is connected via javascript but the animation is created using CSS3. Desktop Finally here we have in our desktop. For the rest is all CSS3 excluding the background image and icons. About this Project Modern Browser Supported HTML5 and CSS3.

Webalon - Web/iPhone Design and Development. The Portfolio of Digital Artisan, Jack Daniel Ciallella • Graphic Artist, Web Designer, UX/UI Designer, Photographer, Creative Director, Project Manager, Writer, Illustrator, Explorer and modern Jack-Of-All-Trades.