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Flipped classroom

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Three Critical Conversations about Flipped Learning. The flipped learning model of instruction has begun to make the transition from an educational buzzword to a normative practice among many university instructors, and with good reason. Flipped learning provides many benefits for both faculty and students. However, instructors who use flipped learning soon find out that a significant amount of work is sometimes necessary to win students over to this way of conducting class.

Even when the benefits of flipped learning are made clear to students, some of them will still resist. And to be fair, many instructors fail to listen to what students are really saying. Most student “complaints” about flipped learning conceal important questions about teaching and learning that are brought to the surface because of the flipped environment. Student comment: “I wish you would just teach the class.”

Conversation-starter: Why do we have classes? Student comment: “I learn best through listening to a lecture.” Conversation-starter: How does one learn? Dr. Four things I wish I'd known about the flipped classroom - Casting Out Nines. I have been spending this week at Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, North Carolina as a plenary speaker and instructional faculty at the Teaching and Learning Institute of the Appalachian College Association. This is the second year in a row I’ve been at the TLI as a plenary speaker and staff member, and I’m honored to have been asked back, and it’s been a great week.

I’ll have more to say about the TLI in upcoming posts. For now, though, I wanted to share another thing I did this week, which was to give a talk to the faculty at Ecole Centrale Paris, one of the foremost technical universities in France on the flipped classroom. I was able to be in two places at the same time because the talk to ECP was given via pre-recorded video. That talk was given at the same time as my plenary talk at Lenoir-Rhyne, in fact! Is there a prize for this? The talk was titled, “Four Things I Wish I Had Known About the Flipped Classroom” and is about, well, what it says it’s about. 5 Ways to Address Student Resistance in the Flipped Classroom. “Students forced to take major responsibility for their own learning go through some or all of the steps psychologists associate with trauma and grief: Shock, Denial, Strong emotion, Resistance and withdrawal, Struggle and exploration, Return of confidence, and Integration and success” (Felder & Brent, 1996, p. 43.)

Active learning environments cause disruption. They cause disruption because they go against the status quo. They break away from the ‘norms’ you typically see in a classroom. In these environments, you’re not going to see a classroom where students are listening to the teacher’s voice as he or she presents information from the textbook. Instead, you’ll see students engaged in a task and solving a problem. They are often working groups. The room is noisy since the students are discussing, solving, and testing ideas. The flipped classroom is one type of active learning environment. It’s also hard. 1. 2. 3. Try a flippable moment. 4. 5. Resources Dirksen, J. (2012). 5 Ways to Address Student Resistance in the Flipped Classroom.

RaughtFlipped - home. Lyon 1 : les classes inversées : l'étudiant au centre de la pédagogie. Flipped Classroom 2.0: Competency Learning With Videos. The flipped classroom model generated a lot of excitement initially, but more recently some educators — even those who were initial advocates — have expressed disillusionment with the idea of assigning students to watch instructional videos at home and work on problem solving and practice in class.

Biggest criticisms: watching videos of lectures wasn’t all that revolutionary, that it perpetuated bad teaching and raised questions about equal access to digital technology. Now flipped classroom may have reached equilibrium, neither loved nor hated, just another potential tool for teachers — if done well. “You never want to get stuck in a rut and keep doing the same thing over and over,” said Aaron Sams, a former high school chemistry teacher turned consultant who helped pioneer flipped classroom learning in an edWeb webinar. “The flipped classroom is not about the video,” said Jonathan Bergmann, Sams’ fellow teacher who helped fine tune and improve a flipped classroom strategy. Flipped Learning and Control. I was able to join some fantastic educators today last Friday for a Flipped Learning workshop hosted by the Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals.

I was part of a group from TechSmith, while Dan Spencer, Laura Bell, Jonathan Palmer, Missy McCarthy, Delia Bush, David Fouch, and Greg Green were panelists for the workshop. I’ve been acquainted with Greg since I heard about his plans to flip his entire high school. I met him in person this past fall, and I’ve been challenged by his thoughtfulness and questions ever since. Last fall, Greg and I had a conversation about why he flipped Clintondale…he wanted more control. Confession: I didn’t understand what he meant at all. I was actually a little put off by the discussion…why should we want to control the learning more? Don’t we (as teachers) want students to be in control of their own learning? Fast forward to this morning.

We are at a point where information and support are constantly in a power struggle. Flipped Classroom | Educational Technology. Reflipping the flipped. Learning with Technology: Flipped Teaching. Guest post by Steve Salik, Ph.D. Over the past three years or so, screencasting and lecture capture technology have become a hot topic in education.

While the technology itself isn’t new, the discussion about how these technologies can improve teaching and learning has taken on a new urgency. The phenomenal success and growth of the Khan Academy has been the primary catalyst for this discussion and demonstrated how progress in education is so often trapped by process. Starting with nothing but screen capture software and a YouTube account, Salman Khan’s goal of helping his cousins with mathematics grew into an internationally recognized non-profit that focuses on the flipped classroom model of instruction. Converting lectures to digital assets Khan didn’t invent the idea of the flipped classroom, it was initially proposed by Lage, Platt and Treglia in their article “Inverting the Classroom: A Gateway to Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment.”

The jury is still out Is it too long? Changing Gears 2012: rejecting the "flip" (1) ending required sameness (3) re-thinking rigor (4) its not about 1:1 (5) start to dream again (6) learning to be a society (again) (7) re-thinking what "literature" means (8) maths are creative, maths are not arithmetic (9) changing rooms (10) undoing academic time (11) social networks beyond Zuckerbergism (12) knowing less about students, seeing more (13) why we fight Maybe I'm highly sensitive to this. I grew up in a 420 square foot home with two parents and four kids. This was not a place for the calm production of homework. Now, yes, I had two university educated parents, smart, dedicated parents who did whatever they could, but both worked or went to school or both, and if my older siblings were struggling to help the "dumb little brother" with his homework, obviously, they weren't doing their own.

Anyway, this is not to be confused with an Oprah-style faux memoir, that's not the point. So in changing gears for this new year, step two is "rejecting the flipped classroom. " The TED-ed Flip Tool in the Foreign Language Classroom | Foreign language begins with T. There are a lot of mixed opinions out there about flipping classes and the new TED-ed flip tool. However, since this is not a blog about flipping, but a blog about technology use in the foreign language classroom, I am going to show you how great, handy and simple to use this tool is.

The TED-ed flip tool in the non-flipping foreign language classroom The TED-ed flip tool allows you to take any YouTube video and create a short lesson with it. How? As with any technology tool, it is up to the teacher to make the best out of it and to use it in such a way that it enhances the students’ learning. Below is a TED-ed flipped lesson I just created in approximately 10 minutes, as I already knew which video to use. Now, I know I said I would not talk about actually flipping here, but this is just biting me and I won’t take too long saying it. Anyway, back to TED-ed in the non-flipping foreign language classroom. TED-ed flip tool tutorial TED-ed flip tool tips, tricks and things to keep in mind. Foreign Language Flipped Class Resources. Preparing Students for a Flipped Classroom. Collaborative Learning Tips. Teachers share successful tactics for helping kids learn from each other with examples from math and English classes. Students at The College Preparatory School often collaborate in groups, as in this math class where students work together to solve a set of geometry problems in the classroom (above), and then work in the same groups on a related project outside (right).

Credit: Zachary Fink At The College Preparatory School (College Prep) in Oakland, California, student collaboration happens on a daily basis. From group-centered math assignments, to student-led discussions in English class, College Prep's culture enables students to both teach and learn from each other, strengthening skills that will deepen their learning. Here are some of the strategies educators there use to help promote collaboration and empower student-centered learning in their classrooms: 1.

Many classrooms at College Prep are arranged specifically to enable the flow of ideas across a shared workspace. 2. 3. 4. 5. Flipping the Classroom. Flipped Classroom. Improve Learning in one Flip. Flipping with Kirch.