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Vimperator. Spf13-vim/.vimrc at master · spf13/spf13-vim. The 15 Best Vim Plugins | Steve Francia's Epic Blog. One of the things that makes vim great is that it can be extended through plugins. There are plugins for more than you would expect. I have gathered together the 15 best plugins. I’ve included these plugins as part of my ultimate VIM configuration which has been featured on many sites and is hosted on github. I’ve also begun a series of posts on some of these plugins including snipmate and NerdCommenter.

General Related Posts SuperTab Do all your insert-mode completion with Tab. ShowMarks Visually shows the location of marks. SearchComplete Provides tab completion while inside the “/” search Programmer Tag List taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc).Requires the exuberant ctags utility. SQLComplete Completion for the SQL language includes statements, functions, keywords, operators and database options which it draws from the current SQL syntax file in use. The NERD Commenter VCSCommand Surround MatchIT snippetsEMU Smarty Syntax File PHP Syntax File. Configuring Vim right – I have spent a lot of time peering into a Vim window, and relatedly, a lot of time testing different configurations. These are the best non-standard options I’ve found or stolen from others over the years; listed below in order of descending usefulness — though I think everything in this article is worth skimming — is an omnium-gatherum of tips that should have value to anyone, no matter how they like to run Vim.

That is, there is minimal editorializing. Note: no plugins are covered here, just vanilla Vim. Essential .vimrc configuration items For whatever reason, the following options aren’t set by default, but they should be. Turn on hidden Don’t worry about the name. Recommended .vimrc configuration items Most people like these. Use case-smart searching These two options, when set together, will make /-style searches case-sensitive only if there is a capital letter in the search expression. Thanks to Adam Katz and Chris Gaal for their comments and suggestions. Learn to use help. Vim's help is remarkably helpful, but in order to use it effectively you need to spend a few minutes learning how it is organised. Getting started Edit Try these examples: Enter :help to browse help. Scroll down the help page to see the quickref and tutor links, and the table of contents.

Command completion can be used when entering a help topic: Type :h patt then press Ctrl-D to list all topics that contain "patt". Links: Enter :h to open the main help page. Searching: Search within a help file using / like you would when searching any file. :helpgrep \csearch.\{,12}file \c means the pattern is case insensitive. The pattern finds "search" then up to 12 characters followed by "file". You will then see the first match. :cnext :cprev :cnfile :cpfile :cfirst :clast and even :cc which brings you back to the current match after you scrolled the helpfile, or :copen which will list out all the matches in a separate window. Context Each help topic has a context: References See also Also see the wildmenu.

Vim - General - Install matchit. On 14/08/12 02:38, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote: > On Sun, 12 Aug 2012, Benji Fisher wrote: [...] >> If you typed PATHTOMATCHIT literally, it would not work. I usually >> recommend adding this to your vimrc file: >> >> source $VIMRUNTIME/macros/matchit.vim > > This is roughly equivalent to Tony's suggestion of: > > runtime macros/matchit.vim > > :runtime is almost the same as using :source and prepending $VIMRUNTIME.

> But, it has the benefit of searching all 'runtimepath' directories (not > just the system directories), which makes it possible to override > system-wide versions. There are even two variants: :runtime (with no bang) searches them in order, sources the first one found, and stops there. :runtime! > > As a side benefit, it's shorter to type (which isn't important in a > .vimrc, but can be useful in one-off's) -- You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist. Learn to speak vim - verbs, nouns, and modifiers!

Posted 16 December 2011 @ 12pm in vim Using vim is like talking to your editor in ‘verb modifier object’ sentences, turned into acronyms learn some verbs: v (visual), c (change), d (delete), y (yank/copy). these are the most important. there are otherslearn some modifiers: i (inside), a (around), t (till..finds a character), f ( till except including the char), / (search..find a string/regex)learn some text objects: w (word), s (sentence) p (paragraph) b (block/parentheses), t (tag, works for html/xml) there are others To move efficiently in vim, don’t try to do anything by pressing keys many times, instead speak to the editor in sentences delete the current word: diw (delete inside word)change current sentence: cis (change inside sentence)change a string inside quotes: ci” (change inside quote)change until next occurrence of ‘foo’: c/foo (change search foo)change everything from here to the letter X: ctXvisually select this paragraph: vap (visual around paragraph)

Vim University - Screencasts and Articles for Serious Vim Students. Daily Vim Devotional. Timl Leave it to the indefatigable Tim Pope to write a Clojure-like language that compiles down to VimL. Though I’ll probably never use this, the fact that it exists at all makes me feel like everything’s going to be OK. (Source: Set Your Mac’s Time Zone to UTC Yesterday I caused an outage and had to write a post mortem.

For the timeline the times are supposed to be in UTC so there’s no confusion over time zones, because timezones are the worst. I was going back through the HipChat conversations from the day and all of the times were in my local time zone. System Preferences doesn’t let you pick UTC for a time zone, but you can do this: sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime You clock will now be set to UTC. (Source: Using multiple .ssh/config files I have my ssh config up on GitHub: vimdot (Source: REPL driven development with Pry vim-haml. How I boosted my Vim »

A few weeks ago, I felt inspired by articles from Jeff Kreeftmeijer and Armin Ronacher. I took some time to configure and fine-tune my Vim environment. A lot of new stuff made it into my .vimrc file and my .vim directory. This blog post is a summary describing what I’ve added and how I use it in my daily work. Before doing anything else, make sure you have the following line in your .vimrc file: " This must be first, because it changes other options as side effectset nocompatible Step 0: make the customization process easier ¶ Before starting configuring, it’s useful to install pathogen. So, download pathogen.vim, move it into the .vim/autoload directory (create it if necessary) and add the following lines to your .vimrc, to activate it: " Use pathogen to easily modify the runtime path to include all" plugins under the ~/.vim/bundle directorycall pathogen#helptags()call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() " change the mapleader from \ to ,let mapleader="," Change Vim behaviour ¶ fun!

Vim Tips Wiki - Vimperator.