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Top 10 analytics tools for social media. Participating in social media for brands is no longer a question of if, or even a how. Even the stuffiest of CEOs and their companies have joined the conversations, and they've hired social media experts and PR firms to advise them on how to build campaigns and engage customers. In fact, eMarketer's recent study "Social Media in the Marketing Mix: Budgeting for 2011" estimates that 80 percent of U.S. businesses with 100 or more employees will use social media marketing this year. So now that we are all here, the questions shift. What now? And are we doing this right?

Stay informed. As a company, we have evaluated dozens of social media measurement applications and products, and we have found that currently no one has "the" solution for providing a comprehensive look at marketing campaigns across social media platforms. Twitter, relais plus qu'initiateur de sujets populaires ? C'est le contenu d'un micro-blog qui fait qu'il prendra de l'ampleur sur le réseau, plus que le fait qu'il soit véhiculé par un internaute disposant de beaucoup d'abonnés. Un contenu souvent issu de médias traditionnels. Quels sont les facteurs qui expliquent la formation et la persistance de sujets dits tendances sur les réseaux sociaux ? Une équipe du Social Computing Lab de chez HP s'est penchée sur la question, en se focalisant sur Twitter. Premier constat : c'est le contenu en lui-même qui est à la source de la tendance. Et ce contenu provient en grande majorité de médias traditionnels.

Une popularité courte Ils ont envoyé une requête toutes les vingt minutes pour identifier les sujets dits tendances sur une période donnée (quarante jours). Des détecteurs et des propagateurs Ce qui revient à dire que c'est la propagation à travers le réseau qui fait la popularité, et non pas sa récurrence chez un nombre limité de personnes. Le Community management vs. la démocratie. Ça fait quoi, deux-trois semaines que je suis sur Quora ? J’en avais entendu parler longtemps avant vous, parce que je suis super branché, mais à l’époque il était très difficile d’obtenir une invitation. Aujourd’hui c’est assez facile, le nombre d’inscription a explosé depuis décembre environ et après les articles "Quora va-t-il détrôner Twitter ?

" (vous vous rappellez des "Twitter va-t-il détrôner Facebook ? " ROFLCOPTERDTC ), on a droit aujourd’hui aux articles des early adopters qui se plaignent de la détérioration du site depuis que tous ces nouveaux pékins sont arrivés. C’est un problème que connaissent tous les sites à succès : un jour, pour grandir, il faut poignarder les early adopters dans le dos. Qu’est-ce que c’est qu’un power user ?

Quand tout ce qui différencie votre site de Yahoo Answers c’est une communauté bourrée d’experts vraiment calés, quand vous êtes Quora, quoi, vous avez intérêt à créer des mécanismes pour mettre en avant ces power users. Like this: 40+ Things You Need to Watch in 2011. If the popular misreading of Mayan mythology is correct, we have fewer than two more years left on this Earth. That leaves precious little time for the tech industry to develop and perfect of all the cool technologies that sci-fi authors have dreamed up over the years. Still, while a December 2012 apocalypse may spell doom for the commercial viability of hovercars, it doesn't mean that the next couple of years in tech will be dull — quite the contrary. 2011 is already shaping up to be a banner year for tech and web innovation.

Below is a list of over 40 websites, apps, companies, gadgets and technologies that the editors of Mashable think that you should keep an eye on over the coming year. None of them let you zoom through the air over traffic, but they're definitely all worth a look. Be sure to click through to each article to see our full write ups on individual entries, and let us know in the comments what you're looking out for in 2011. 10 Websites to Watch 10 Apps to Watch.

Veille 2.0 et ses outils. Link economy. Wikileaks Claims Facebook Deleted Their Fan Page Because They "P. Like Button. f8 Live sur Facebook. To Facebook the answer must be no. I am very familiar with the Friendfeed API, so when I saw the presentation today by Bret Taylor, who is now one of the leading guys at Facebook, it felt very familiar. They design clean and simple APIs. This one is no exception. I would be playing with it right now except for two things: 1. My programming environment doesn't have a JSON serializer or deserializer. 2. This is the problem with corporate platforms and the standard bodies that help them achieve their goals. Anyway, once you get past the political stuff, Bret and his guys implement a nice API. Watching his presentation I was struck with an idea. The actual Bill Gates figures in this story. So now we know what Zuckerberg's megalomania is, and he's brilliant, and hired the right guys (the FF team) to make it happen.


The f8 Preview: How Facebook Plans to Take Over the Web. Mark Zuckerberg @ SXSW 2008 by Deney Terreio via Flickr Facebook’s third f8 developer conference kicks off tomorrow in San Francisco and online, with the social networking company likely to announce what is essentially a game plan to not only socialize the web, but to marginalize the pre-social web. But while such a plan indicates a tussle with fellow upstart Twitter, the real battle is Facebook vs. Google. And it’s a battle that, armed with its game plan and 400 million (and growing) subscribers, Facebook is going to turn into an all-out war.

Facebook Connect 2.0 with auto-login featuresFacebook Presence BarShare/Like buttonsFacebook Location Log Me In, Baby The first hook will be a souped-up version of Facebook’s digital identity offering, Facebook Connect, which allows you to sign into a site like Hacker News using your Facebook credentials after you are sent to an additional window asking you to connect your accounts. Presence Is Everything Like This As Liz wrote in earlier this year: F8 2010.