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SOCIAL CRM. Numérique - Article - Les réseaux sociaux : reflet des différences culturelles ? L’Asie constitue un enjeu économique capital pour les réseaux sociaux généralistes. Cependant, les grands marchés de ce continent restent l’apanage d’acteurs locaux. Les acteurs transnationaux du web doivent en effet non seulement faire face à des particularités culturelles fortement ancrées, mais sont de plus bien souvent obligés de négocier leur implantation avec les autorités locales. L’exemple de la Chine, avec ses 200 millions d’utilisateurs de réseaux sociaux, est à ce titre très significatif. Facebook et Twitter y sont bloqués depuis 2009, mais même avant la censure, Facebook avait eu beaucoup de mal à s’implanter à cause du succès que connaissaient les quatre principaux services chinois du secteur. C’est le cas notamment de Qzone qui, selon une étude indépendante, est le réseau social le plus populaire en Chine avec plus de 350 millions de membres, essentiellement des adolescents.

Les réseaux sociaux chinois. When Are Facebook Users Most Active? [STUDY] We know that users are spending increasing amounts of time online on social networks like Facebook, but when exactly are users the most active? Social media management company Vitrue just released a study that identifies the days and hours users are most active on the Facebook channels maintained by companies and brands. For the study, Vitrue analyzed Facebook post data from August 10, 2007 to October 10, 2010 from more than 1,500 brand streams — more than 1.64 million posts and 7.56 million comments in all. Shares and "likes" were not included in the study. Here are some of the big takeaways: The three biggest usage spikes tend to occur on weekdays at 11:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. ET.The biggest spike occurs at 3:00 p.m. Morning Posts Are More Effective Although most posts and comments appear around 3:00 p.m.

Vitrue's data indicates that morning brand posts are 39.7% more effective in terms of user engagement than those published in the afternoon. Why This Matters. Mémoire Master – 7 cas de e-réputation par B. Vever « Master Marketing Opérationnel International. 1032-1-study_file.pdf (Objet application/pdf) 1020-1-study_file.pdf (Objet application/pdf)

Numérique - Article - Twitter : un réseau d’information social. Albert-László BARABASI, (2002), Linked: The New Science of Networks, Basic Books, New York. Pablo Javier BOCZKOWSKI, « Ethnographie d'une rédaction en ligne Argentine. Les logiques contraires de la production de l'information chaude et froide », Réseaux n° 160, 2010/2-3, p. 43-78. Dominique CARDON, (2005), « Innovation par l’usage », in Alain Ambrosi, Valérie Peugeot et Daniel Pimienta (dir.), Enjeux de mots : regards multiculturels sur les sociétés de l’information, C & F Éditions, Caen. Cha Meeyoung, Haddadi Hamed, Benevenuto Fabricio, Gummadi Krishna P., (2010), « Measuring User Influence in Twitter : The Million Follower Fallacy », Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 4th International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, May 23-26, George Washington University, Washington, DC.

Fabien GRANJON et Aurélien LE FOULGOC, « Les usages sociaux de l’actualité. Twitter Crushing Facebook's Click-Through Rate: Report. What is the most effective way for marketers to spread their message online? Facebook? Twitter? Company blogs? Email? According to a new report by marketing firm SocialTwist , Internet sharing trends have shifted heavily shifted toward social networking, but other platforms still have a strong presence for word-of-mouth advertising. In the last year, social networking sites saw a 10% increase in usage, and a 16% bump in click-throughs. However, when it comes to click-throughs, social networking sites are far more effective, accounting for more than 60% of the market share.

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How Social Media Can Effect Real Social and Governmental Change. Craig Newmark is the founder of craigslist. He can be found on Twitter as @craignewmark and blogs at People have always used the "social media" of their time to effect change. Without belaboring history, consider that some of the most widely-felt changes in the Western world were made by "bloggers" using the technology of their day.

Paul of Tarsus (St. Paul), wrote newsletters (epistles) that substantially influenced Christianity throughout the Mediterranean. Martin Luther brought church abuses to light and initiated the Protestant Reformation through his 95 updates (theses), and Thomas Paine spread his blog (printed pamphlets) about democracy to the masses in the ramp up to the American Revolution. Substantial social and governmental change is still being implemented today through social networks, this time at the speed of the Internet. Accomplishing Everyday Tasks Another implementation is for public transit, such as in the city of San Francisco. Conclusion.