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Demo Site. 10 Essential WordPress Plugins You Should Be Using. There’s good reason why WordPress is the most popular blogging platform. It’s easy to use and has tons of great features. But what’s really made this open source software excel is its passionate community. Yes, WordPress has lots of features built in, but it doesn’t have everything. The WordPress community fills this need. It’s full of talented developers that are constantly creating plugins to extend the features and make it even better. There are many WordPress plugins out there, but in this article we’re focusing on the most essential. Below is a list of 10 plugins that every WordPress website could use. All in One SEO Pack All in One SEO Pack optimizes your WordPress blog for search engines. WP Super Cache WP Super Cache generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog.

Google XML Sitemaps Google XML Sitemaps generates a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and to better index your blog. Akismet WP-DB-Backup WP-PageNavi cforms II. 50 Beautifully Brown Web Designs. Last week for our usual Monday inspirational post we presented you with a showcase of web designs featuring the color yellow. Many of you enjoyed the focus on one color and even asked that we showcase another color. Since yellow is bright and bold, we thought we would go neutral this week and focus on brown. Brown is an earthy color that represents simplicity, friendliness, and dependability.

Maybe it was these characteristics that caused UPS to build their entire brand around brown. Here are 50 beautiful brown web designs that will inspire you. You will see that brown makes a great base color for a design and works well with many other colors. SpoonGraphics Whashtenaw Community College new{concept} Nine Lion Tea Round Watermelon Ministries YummyCss ColouringCode Diego Valobra James Lai Creative Wawa Coffeetopia kovidesign Quo. 30 Examples of Clean and Minimal Website Navigation | Inspiratio. Navigation is one of the most important aspects of a web design, but this doesn’t mean it needs to be overly complicated or over designed. In fact, when it comes to navigating a website, simplicity is a good thing. Some navigations make use of design elements like 3D bars, buttons, and tabs to appear clickable, which works great for certain web designs.

However, clickability can be achieved with a focus on typography, placement, and maybe some subtle line work. For this article, we’ve rounded up 30 clean and minimal website navigations that will inspire you and prove that navigations don’t always have to look like 3D buttons to be effective. Kilian Muster bressane Haik Avanian Design Instruct Color Cubic Big Cartel Kyle Fiedler Miguel Buckenmeyer & Co. Creative Spark Infintium Jeroen Homan Frank Chimero Mercy Information Highwayman We Are VI Kari Jobe One Login Momentify Brian Hoff Shout North Kingdom MCA Denver Jacob Lee Giant Ant Media AdFlavor Waterworks Sugar Rush Creative Websiteburo Corking Design NaN shares. 20 Fresh Sets of Free Icons for Web Designers.

We love finding and sharing freebies with our readers, especially icons. We do this so you can focus on doing what’s important, instead of spending all your time searching the internet. In this article, we’ve rounded up 20 sets of freshly created free icons. If you don’t have an immediate need for them, I’m sure you can find a place for them in your icon library. Shiny Icons Once Mini Icon Set Fidelity Vector Social Media Icons WooFunction 32 Pixel Social Media Icons Oxe Icons Set Mixed Icons Pack Touchscreen Icons Applications Icons Nixus Roundy Help Sketchy Web Icons Medical Icons MinIcons Pos Machine Icons Absque About the Author Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. Related Posts 195 shares 9 Free Icon Sets to Diversify your Library Every designer needs to be ready to go wherever their projects take them. Read More 464 shares 8 Free & Useful Minimal Icon Sets Icons are certainly a very important element of a design.

CSS Shorthand Guide. Sunday Oct 23 2005 Ok. Let's set the record straight. There is no official guide for each and every CSS shorthand property value. So let's work together and put one together shall we? Ok. Background Backgrounds can be tricky. Background properties Believe it or not, all these properties can be combined into one single background property as follows: the background shorthand property The Unknown Often times developers find themselves wondering What if I leave out this value or that one? Default background property values Lesson learned: be careful on what you don't declare. Background shorthand example (unexplicit) This would be the same as declaring the following values: background shorthand example (explicit) Font Font is perhaps the trickiest. Font properties The default values for the font shorthand property are as follows: default font property values And of course without any further ado.

The font shorthand property Here is where it gets tricky. Or and . Strong element styled with font Border. Ten Common CSS Mistakes. Avoid these in your stylesheets. 19th June 2006 · Last updated: 10th December 2011 Comments I've recently been tweaking the code on a website designed by someone else, where I spotted several common mistakes in the stylesheet. I thought it would be helpful to point out a list of these and other mistakes in CSS that I've seen before. 1. The following code doesn't need the unit specified if the value is zero. padding:0px 0px 5px 0px; It can be written instead like this: padding:0 0 5px 0; The same goes for other styles.

Margin:0; Don't waste bytes by adding units such as px, pt, em, etc, when the value is zero. However, line-height can be unitless. Line-height:1; Plus you can still use a unit such as em if you want. 2. This is wrong: color:ea6bc2; It should be: color:#ea6bc2; Or even: color:rgb(234,107,194); The above code might be handy for dropping styles into a Cold Fusion document, which uses '#' to denote the start of code to be parsed. Color:##ea6bc2; 3. Don't write code this way: color:#fe69b2; 4.

WordPress eStore Plugin - Complete solution to sell digital prod. Underscore. Creative&Live. Les 30 plus beaux sites web de type “magazine” Ce matin, je suis tombé sur cet article de Specky Boy qui référence 30 sites web qui utilisent un design “magazine”. Alors que la bulle qui entourait les thèmes magazines pour WordPress semble retomber (non ?) , il m’a semblé intéressant de partager avec vous ce billet qui montre vraiment ce qui se fait de mieux en la matière. J’apprécie particulièrement certains designs qui mettent bien en évidence l’utilisation des “grids”, ce fameux systèmes de grilles qui permet une organisation et un alignement particulier des colonnes.

Parmi ces sites, certains sont plutôt lourds, trop chargés, chose que j’ai toujours reproché à l’utilisation faite des thèmes magazines pour WordPress. Cela dit, il y a moyen, soit de sortir de ce trop plein d’infos, ou alors de la diffuser de manière originale. Voici donc ceux que j’ai trouvé les plus originaux, que ce soit en terme de design ou d’ergonomie: 1. . … pour son utilisation poussée des grilles … 2. . … pour la typograhie … 3. 4. . … superbe magazine artistique … ExpressionEngine. WordPress Mu. Il y a un an, Matt Mullenweg (fondateur et meneur du projet WordPress) annonçait lors du WordCamp San Francisco, que WordPress et WordPress MU (la version multiblog de WordPress) allaient fusionner à terme, possiblement pour la version 3.0.

Il y a 6 mois presque jour pour jour, WordPress 2.9 sortait et les travaux en vue de la version 3.0 débutaient. Et maintenant, nous y sommes. TL;DR : wp3 est dispo, faites la màj auto ou téléchargez-la en VF. Une information à noter qui a son importance : même si cette version apporte certaines modifications et améliorations fondamentale, les développeurs ont toujours rappelé que la 3.0 n’est pas plus spéciale que les autres version majeures, comme la 2.9 ou que la prochaine 3.1.

Ceci étant dit, il est temps de passer aux nouveautés ! …à commencer par des vidéos ! WP3 et les thèmes La fusion WP-WPMU Désormais, avec la même installation de WordPress, il sera possible de gérer soit un site normal, soit une véritable plate-forme de sites. Mise à jour. 60+ Latest High-Quality Free WordPress Themes | Showcases | inst. WordPress! Is an award-winning CMS, which enables you to build Blogs, Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made WordPress the most popular blog software available. Best of all, WordPress is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone. There are hundreds of WordPress themes online waiting to be paid for. Some of them are worth it, some are not. Just because many of our followers decided to stay with Premium themes, that doesn’t mean Free Themes are ugly, cluttered, and boring. In this showcase below, you’ll find a Excellent Collection of Fresh High-Quality Free WordPress Themes Around because We all know that we’re going to use our blog as a tool to promote our business, so we need to have a clean, professional, corporate look.

Please Notice that these themes is not arranged in any particular order so just scroll down and find your inspiration. Latest High-Quality Free WordPress Themes Around 01. Top ↑ Portfolio of Curt Ziegler - Web Design, Development, Photography. ThemeMeme. THEME PREVIEW. Debuter avec Wordpress.