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Intermediate Meteor - Series Introduction. Meteor. AboutMacospol < Democracy is the possibility to disagree.

AboutMacospol <

Equipment for mapping and interpreting controversies. MACOSPOL (Mapping Controversies on Science for Politics) is a joint research enterprise that gathers scholars in science, technology and society across Europe. Its goal is to devise a collaborative platform to help students, professionals and citizens in mapping out scientific and technical controversies. Technical democracy requires spaces and instruments to facilitate public involvement in technological and scientific issues. Such democratic equipment is yet to be assembled, even though much theoretical research has been done to envision its articulation. The GDELT Project. ToolDatabase. Risk Controversies visualized. Last Update: Oct. 5th 2011 New brochure (german version) available online.

Risk Controversies visualized

Download PDF (2MB) The aim of the reseach project is to develop an internet based visualisation of risk related controversies as argumentation maps on the basis of two exemplary case studies: dietary supplements and nanoscale particles. These argumentation maps will be developed by an interdisciplinary research team of sociologists, natural scientists, computer scientists as well as partners and advisors from industry, poltics and academia. The Blueprint of WE. What Is the Blueprint of We?

The Blueprint of WE

(formerly named the State of Grace Document) Sustainable Collaboration A collaboration process used to build and sustain healthier, more resilient business and personal relationships, making your day-to-day interactions effortless and your time together creative and productive. Beyond self awareness, our world now demands Collaborative Awareness; how can we do this fast-paced dance without stepping on each other’s toes? The Blueprint of We is a collaboration process used to establish healthier, more resilient business and personal relationships in a world that changes in increasingly complex ways, making the old ground rules no longer reliable.

How It Works – Holacracy. Dynamic Roles Replace Static Job Descriptions In most companies each person has exactly one job description.

How It Works – Holacracy

That description is often imprecise, outdated, and irrelevant to their day-to-day work. In Holacracy, people have multiple roles, often on different teams, and those role descriptions are constantly updated by the team actually doing the work. This allows people a lot more freedom to express their creative talents, and the company can take advantage of those skills in a way it couldn’t before. Discourse - FAQ. Discourse is the 100% open source discussion platform built for the next decade of the Internet.

Discourse - FAQ

It works as: a mailing lista discussion foruma long-form chat room Discourse is a from-scratch reboot, an attempt to reimagine what a modern Internet discussion platform should be today, in a world of ubiquitous smartphones, tablets, Facebook, and Twitter. We're civilized. Our trust system means that the community builds a natural immune system to defend itself from trolls, bad actors, and spammers — and the most engaged community members can assist in the governance of their community. Uncompromisingly open source. Ionic Book: Table of Contents. Présentation de Ionic Framework. Tech Je vais vous présenter Ionic Framework.

Présentation de Ionic Framework

Cordova. The command line tool to build, deploy and manage Cordova-based applications.


Apache Cordova allows for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This tool helps with management of multi-platform Cordova applications as well as Cordova plugin integration. Check out the Getting Started guides for more details on how to work with Cordova sub-projects. Wikia.

Phantomjs. An NPM wrapper for PhantomJS, headless webkit with JS API.


Building and Installing npm install phantomjs Or grab the source and node . /install.js. 7 Principles of Rich Web Applications. This is a writeup based on a presentation I gave at BrazilJS in August 2014.

7 Principles of Rich Web Applications

It builds on some of the ideas I’ve been blogging about recently related mostly to UX and performance. I want to introduce 7 actionable principles for websites that want to make use of JavaScript to control their UI. They are the result of my experience as a web developer, but also as a long-time user of the WWW. JavaScript has undeniably become an indispensable tool for frontend developers. PhantomJS. Creative Data. Nous recherchons un(e) développeur(se) pour rejoindre notre équipe service.

Creative Data

Creative Data. Nous recherchons un(e) data scientist(e) expérimenté(e) pour rejoindre notre équipe service. Vous travaillerez au sein d'une équipe pluridisciplinaire sur la réalisation de projets innovants. ⚡Présentation "Les problèmes de la conscience artificielle Alain Cardon AEIS, LITIS- INSA de Rouen AFSCET, CNAM, Juin 20111." Creative Data. Kamens/jQuery-menu-aim. Sans titre. React vs. Angular.

Overview Lately, web development has been changing very quickly. Fonctionnalités - Netwave. Reactjs et nodejs. Build A Real-Time Twitter Stream with Node and React.js. Introduction Welcome to the second installation of Learning React, a series of articles focused on becoming proficient and effective with Facebook's React library. If you haven't read the first installation, Getting Started and Concepts, it is highly recommended that you do so before proceeding. Free Web Development Courses. This course is for anyone who is either starting from scratch or who isn't entirely comfortable with their understanding of the command line, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby, web frameworks, Git, or other foundational technologies and practices of web development.

We cover a LOT of ground -- by the end of this comprehensive course, you'll be well prepared to take on our deep dive courses or explore further on your own. 9 Growth Hackers Français dévoilent leur Hack préféré. Powered by Translate Le Growth Hacking est à la mode…Mais trop souvent le swag du growth hacker attire de jeunes padawan qui oublient (ou ne connaissent pas ?) "Comment Hacker le Facebook Graph" par Julien Le Coupanec.

Facebook Graph Search : les secrets pour bien l'utiliser. Facebook Graph Search : les secrets pour bien l’utiliser Le Facebook Graph Search est l’outil Internet de stalking le plus terrifiant que j’ai rencontré de ma vie. A des kilomètres devant Google, Facebook nous offre la possibilité d’obtenir la vie entière de n’importe qui sur un plateau, sans même devoir être “ami” avec cette personne.


Idea to Paying Customers in 7 Weeks: How We Did It. This is the first of an ongoing series of posts called Building Buffer where we share our methods and learnings with the aim to help people and learn from others who have had similar experiences. We’d love your comments. Rewind… I’ve learned more in the two and a half month period since I launched Buffer than ever before. I am very excited to let you know we now have over 500 users, many of whom are active, and we are generating revenue through our paid monthly plans at a conversion rate of around 4% of people upgrading. Let’s go back to the very beginning. A twinkle of an idea It was a tiny idea. Keeping version 1 minimal. I’m an advocate of the lean startup principles which Eric Ries proposes. An Introduction to Using Patterns in Web Design. The biggest challenge for web designers is the unthinkably huge number of possible ways to solve any given problem. We usually don't think of this because we have our habits and traditions to fall back on, but there are literally billions of possible pixel combinations for each page we make.

There is a better way to manage this vast complexity than by making big decisions up front and hoping for the best. Créativité et neuroscience. Créativité et neuroscience. Vous pensez toujours que le cerveau gauche est la partie du cerveau de la logique qui analyse, calcule et organise ? Vous croyez toujours que le cerveau droit est celui de la création, de l’imagination et de la poésie ?

Former avec le Funny learning: Quand les neurosciences réinventent vos ... - Brigitte Boussuat, Jean Lefebvre. Leonardo Da Vinci. Éditeur de cours : nouvelle version, itération 1. Vous savez quoi ? Tester le front-end JavaScript d'une application web. Node.js. Technologie agile. L’Analyse Situationnelle Inductive Temps Réel est une technologie propriétaire et brevetée par Netwave, qui a développé sur cette base un processeur d’Intelligence Artificielle embarquant plus de 60 algorithmes spécifiques.

DataViz. DataViz Mediaeater MMX Archive / RSS June 21. Linkeddata. Rdflib. Diagramming Community. Modeling language. A modeling language is any artificial language that can be used to express information or knowledge or systems in a structure that is defined by a consistent set of rules. The rules are used for interpretation of the meaning of components in the structure. Overview[edit] A modeling language can be graphical or textual.[1] Graphical modeling languages use a diagram technique with named symbols that represent concepts and lines that connect the symbols and represent relationships and various other graphical notation to represent constraints.Textual modeling languages may use standardized keywords accompanied by parameters or natural language terms and phrases to make computer-interpretable expressions.

Not all modeling languages are executable, and for those that are, the use of them doesn't necessarily mean that programmers are no longer required. A large number of modeling languages appear in the literature. Function-Behaviour-Structure ontology. Nswbmw/N-club. Hiddentao/robe. Component - front-end package manager & build tool. Robe. Koajs/examples. MongoDB and the MEAN Stack. Scaled Agile Framework. Personal Learning Environment: Janson Hews. Composant pédagogique IHM : Les techniques d'interaction à partir d'un dispositif de pointage - Composant pédagogique IHM : Les techniques d'interaction à partir d'un dispositif de pointage.

The Open Innovation platform for experts finding and technology challenge resolution. NoFlo Development Environment by The Grid. Introduction au leadership tribal. Code Archives. A Guide to Writing Backbone Apps at Coursera. Ange Ansour – La maîtresse et la fourmi, une nouvelle fable à l’école. Woa. Architecture orientée services. Representational State Transfer. Reload Download.

REST API Documentation. Yahoo/mojito. Algoliasearch. Piloter les comptes utilisateur : Slack : comment l'utiliser pour gagner en efficacité. Frenchie4111/xmpp-chat-server. Node-xmpp/node-xmpp. Navigateur Google Chrome. WebStorm: The Smartest JavaScript IDE.
