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Benefit Corporation. Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies. Avarie commune. Transport de marchandises par voie maritime : les avaries communes. Avarie commune. Xerfi Canal Blanche Segrestin Faire de l’entreprise un projet collectif. Social Traders. L’innovation sociale et l’entrepreneur schumpétérien : deux lectures théoriques. LINC Lab : Learning & Innovation in Networks & Communities - Grenoble Ecole de Management. Mission Etudier la manière dont les institutions privées et publiques peuvent puiser au cœur de leurs réseaux et de leurs communautés pour créer du savoir et innover.

LINC Lab : Learning & Innovation in Networks & Communities - Grenoble Ecole de Management

Make Money from Stock Photography. Precious Plastic - at work. ABOUT US. Coefficient de clustering - Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. In graph theory, a clustering coefficient is a measure of the degree to which nodes in a graph tend to cluster together.

coefficient de clustering - Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre

Evidence suggests that in most real-world networks, and in particular social networks, nodes tend to create tightly knit groups characterised by a relatively high density of ties; this likelihood tends to be greater than the average probability of a tie randomly established between two nodes (Holland and Leinhardt, 1971;[1] Watts and Strogatz, 1998[2]). Two versions of this measure exist: the global and the local. The global version was designed to give an overall indication of the clustering in the network, whereas the local gives an indication of the embeddedness of single nodes. Global clustering coefficient[edit] Futuragora. 2014 Global Social Impact House — Social Impact House. How to apply Student enrolled in the Social Entrepreneurship Course on Coursera can apply by completing this form by October 24, 2014.

2014 Global Social Impact House — Social Impact House

Finalists will be notified on October 28, 2014. Selection priority will be given to the students enrolled in the Signature Track. Finalists are selected based on the following criteria: Statistics. Bridging the Missing Middle: The Impact of Larger Loans on Kiva. Today, Kiva entrepreneurs around the world are making fundamental changes in their own lives and the lives of their families -- from a Ugandan farmer looking to buy seeds and tools for increasing crop yields, to a talented seamstress hoping to start a business with a new sewing machine.

Bridging the Missing Middle: The Impact of Larger Loans on Kiva

But some entrepreneurs still face difficulties accessing the capital they need to create jobs and address larger, community-wide issues of poverty. In industrialized nations, these small and medium enterprises (5 - 250 employees) are responsible for 75% of the workforce and 95% of the companies, yet in emerging markets they’re practically non-existent. This lack of small and medium enterprises in less developed countries, an essential part of strong economies, is what's known as the Missing Middle. When an extensive World Bank study asked people living in poverty what they most need, jobs were one of the top answers not being addressed. The Missing Middle. Early stage impact investing: a call for action. By Anais Mangin – SEED, hosted by adelphi research ( The exponential growth of small, micro and medium enterprises (SMMEs) in Africa, Asia and Latin America has contributed significantly to the burgeoning green economy.

Early stage impact investing: a call for action

Every year more and more small and green entrepreneurs are creating innovative ways to produce sustainable products and services that are having wide-reaching social and economic impacts on the world’s poorest communities.In many cases, reducing poverty is the sole driver of these enterprises; in others, it’s creating green solutions to waste, energy or climate change issues. More often than not, SMMEs generate a value-added supply chain that stimulates low income communities, through the creation of jobs and increased incomes, and improving their daily lives and access to health and education services. In 2010, the World Economic Forum highlighted the problem by launching its ‘Missing Middle Initiative’, to try to find ways to resolve the problem. Mock-up. La microfinance dans le monde. Le microcrédit, un principe économique expérimenté dans les pays en voie de développement avant d'essaimer à travers le monde Le microcrédit a fait son apparition dans les années 70 au Bangladesh avec la création de la Grameen Bank par le professeur Muhammad Yunus, Prix Nobel de la Paix 2006, qui souhaitait permettre aux femmes pauvres de son pays de développer de petites activités économiques.

La microfinance dans le monde

La méthode sera ensuite exportée en Guinée et au Burkina Faso, puis transposée en France et en Europe par Maria Nowak, fondatrice de l’Adie. Le succès de ce nouveau modèle économique, qui propose aux personnes situées en "bas de la pyramide sociale" de créer leur propre emploi, ne s’est pas démenti depuis. Le microcrédit a essaimé dans d’autres pays d’Europe sous l’impulsion de l’Adie, et a diversifié ses applications : outre le microcrédit professionnel, les micro-entrepreneurs se voient désormais proposer des microcrédits personnels pour l’emploi ainsi que des micro-assurances.

Village Ventures Kenya. Announcing the Safe, a Replacement for Convertible Notes. Paul Graham YC partner (and lawyer) Carolynn Levy has created a new alternative to convertible notes, called a safe, that has the advantages of convertible debt without some of the disadvantages.

Announcing the Safe, a Replacement for Convertible Notes

We're publishing a standard safe document for all startups to use, and we expect most future YC startups will use this when raising money. "Safe" comes from "Simple agreement for future equity. " Although the name is an acronym, we got tired of typing "SAFE" all the time when talking about it, and we've already switched to lowercase. Carolynn wrote the standard series AA equity financing documents that we and Wilson Sonsini published in 2008. The advantage of raising convertible debt is that it makes fundraising quicker. Citation saint exupery. Coursera. Coursera. 10 Tools for More Empathic and Strategic #PPC - Occasional Blogging by Kahlil Corazo.

10 Persona Tips for Agile Product Management. 1.

10 Persona Tips for Agile Product Management

Start with Provisional Personas As its name suggests, a provisional persona is not a fully-fledged, detail rich user model, but a first version that is good enough to start discovering the right user experience and the right product features. Working with sketchy but good enough personas is particularly helpful in an agile and lean context where we want to very quickly test our assumptions, rather spending a lot of time with upfront market research. To get started, learn enough about the users and customers by employing, for instance, direct observation and problem interviews. Social Enterprise Brainstorm. Wilco Project - social innovations for social cohesion.

Colocation entre familles monoparentales. présenté par CoToiturons. The project "Un immense merci à tous pour nous avoir permis de recueillir les fonds nécessaires au lancement du projet ! présenté par CoToiturons

Sans vous, CoToiturage ne serait resté qu’une idée ! Grâce à vous, le site est actuellement en développement, avec un objectif de mise en ligne à l’été 2014 ! Pour être tenus informés de l’évolution du projet, rendez-vous sur et sur notre page Facebook. " Beta – EMES Network. About this book.