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PHP workflows – ezComponents. Workflows are a useful tool to help manage business processes. In this post I take a look at the workflow engine of eZ components, which was developed by Sebastian Bergmann. In this post, I introduce the basics of the workflow engine, and will expand on it's usage in future posts. The first step is to download eZ components. At time of writing, the latest version is 2009.1.1 - eZ components can be downloaded from: A workflow flows from node to node, sometimes branching conditionally, or splitting to parallel tasks. Lines 1-8 These lines just setup the autoloader line 10 Creates a workflow with a name 'Example 1' lines 12-23 The ezcWorkflowServiceObject interface can be implemented to provide custom code that can be executed by a ezcWorkflowNodeAction once it is reached in the workflow. Line 25 Creates a action node, which will instance and execute the myServiceObject class when reached. line 27-28 line 30-32 line 34-38 The output of this script is as follows:

eZ Components - Documentation - API Reference. Publications by Sebastian Bergmann. Workflows -- Flux de travail / Concepts and basics -- Concepts e.