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Portia Colbert

Final year Fashion Retail Management student of Birmingham City University


DIETING TRENDS. Vid_19253_Social_and_economic_inequalities_in_diet_and_physical_activity_04.11.13. Nuffield%20Health_%20LSE_Low-Fitness_Report. Nuffield Health response to the National Obesity Forum’s report State of the Nation’s waistline. Obes-phys-acti-diet-eng-2014-rep. Stipple - Your information and images together again. Why Nike Will Outpace The Sports Apparel Market's Growth. Wearable Tech World - From The Expert Archive.  Sternlab is Becky Stern. Adafruit Learning System. Cityzen Sciences : Le spécialiste des Textiles connectés. Genesis of the Smart Sensing Programme - Smart Sensing, programme industriel textile français.

Wearable technology. FITNESS CLUB TRENDS. HEALTHY LIFESTYLES. Wearable Technology - The adidas Heart Rate Monitoring System The adidas heart rate monitoring system brings the unique combination of accuracy, comfort, and convenience delivered by our rate monitoring athletic apparel.

Wearable Technology -

Fitness Industry Improves Growth at a Price. - 1.5% rise in value and 4.5% rise in total membership The 2013 State of the UK Fitness Industry Report reveals that the UK health and fitness industry has grown its total market value by 1.5% to £3.92 billion over the twelve month period to the end of March 2013.

Fitness Industry Improves Growth at a Price

The 2013 report highlights that the industry has experienced improved growth in the last twelve months with increases of 1.5% in value, 2% in the number of fitness facilities and a 4.5% rise in the number of members, according to independent leisure market analysts The Leisure Database Company. Now in the middle of a recessionary period, the fitness sector is still expanding despite the economic slowdown. StateOfTheNationsWaistlineObesityintheUKAnalysisandExpectations. National Obesity Forum - State of the Nation's Waistline - Obesity in the UK: Analysis and expectations. The purpose of the State of the Nation’s Waistline report is to audit the state of obesity in the UK, to identify what initiatives and policy exists, and to assess their effectiveness in tackling obesity and weight management issues.

National Obesity Forum - State of the Nation's Waistline - Obesity in the UK: Analysis and expectations

Obesity and weight management are a direct cause of many health problems and are already placing enormous demands on the NHS at a time when health resources are stretched like never before. The current situation is unsustainable. Why We Don't Do What We Want to Do and How to Start. “If it is important to you, you will find a way.

Why We Don't Do What We Want to Do and How to Start

If not, you’ll find an excuse.” ~Unknown “The truth is,” she said, “if you can’t put fifteen minutes a day into your art, then you’re making an excuse.” I squirmed in my seat. It was February 1, 2011, and I was on the phone, interviewing Michele, a professional artist and artist’s mentor, for an online course I created. Michele was sharing what she tells the artists in her mentorship program who complain of not having enough time to do their art. As an artist myself, I knew making art made me happy—made my whole day go better, in fact—and yet I was always too busy to do it. Obese Britons would rather be fat than change their ways. Britain's obesity epidemic worse than feared. Sports Market 2010-1. Synetic Apparel Research. This BBC Horizon documentary follows Dr Kevin Fong as he delves into the thriving health-monitoring-gadget sector and how such gadgets are preventing disease and compelling consumers to become more active.

Synetic Apparel Research

Important points from this doc: 1) Thorough scrutiny of existing and current wearable tech and how such devices are playing and will continue to play a pivotal role within modern society’s health diagnostics 2) Features usage of pedometers, sleepometer headbands, pulse oximeters, and a plethora of new and extremely advanced smartphone apps, including one of which can measure heart rate by taking a photo and picking up on face colour changes and rhythm of breath 3) At 15:51 minutes into the doc, England’s Rugby 7 team are some of the most closely monitored sportsman in the world. Interesting Wearable Tech Figures. Sizing Wearables' Real Market Potential. BI Intelligence Wearables are one of the most exciting new entrants to the consumer electronics market — and also the devices generating a good dose of skepticism.

There are an assortment of new gadgets labeled as wearables, including bracelets, smartwatches, and eyewear. Because these devices are designed to be worn close to the body, they're ideal for monitoring how active we are, our sleep quality, how many steps we take during the day. Bio-Monitoring, Wearable Monitoring, Electronic Textiles & Wearables by Textronics.

OMsignal - technology woven into life. Radiate Athletics: The Future of Sports Apparel by Radiate Athletics. The wearable dilemma: forming habits first, then building ecosystems. Flexible Battery Fibres. 'Smart Clothing' Could Become New Wearable Gadgets. Today's ordinary clothing has the untapped power to become tomorrow's wearable electronics.

'Smart Clothing' Could Become New Wearable Gadgets

A Canadian lab has tested special fibers that can help make soft, flexible touch screens and batteries woven directly into the fabrics of modern life. Turning rigid electronic parts into stretchy, smart clothing material has not proven easy. But early ideas have already hinted at practical uses beyond just wearing glowing "Tron" jumpsuits as fashion accessories.

People may swipe a finger across a car's upholstery to turn down the heat or brush at their coat sleeves to adjust the volume of a connected music player ? Experiences that seamlessly blend "hard" gadget functions with "soft" objects. "We don't want humans to be aware of what they are wearing," said Maksim Skorobogatiy, a physicist at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal in Canada. Nike shows off Fuelband SE activity-tracking wristband. 15 October 2013Last updated at 12:32 ET By Leo Kelion Technology reporter The Fuelband SE looks similar to the earlier model, but now features a coloured underside Nike has unveiled its second generation activity-tracking wristband, addressing criticism that its earlier device failed to recognise that some activities use more energy than others. Sports Clothing & Footwear 2012.