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I AM NOT MOVING - short film for Occupy Wall Street. Pete Seeger, Arlo Guthrie in 99% Solidarity "This Little Light" 10/22/11. I AM NOT MOVING - Short Film - Occupy Wall Street. #OccupyWallSt - Law Student & Journalist Arrested for Civil Disobedience 9/24/11. I Am Not Moving. Hello Wall Street. An Open Message to the 99% (Occupy Wall Street) Occupy The Street Song (The Official Anthem) CLOWNS ARRESTED IN NEAR-SUCCESSFUL ATTACK ON WALL STREET BULL. Official Occupy Wall Street Thank You Video. Occupy Wall St - The Revolution Is Love. We Are The Many - Makana. Chris Hedges speaking at Occupy Wall Street: Radical movements keep this country honest! Naomi Klein Interview at Occupy Wall St. Grounded TV Network, video 7. #OccupyWallStreet George Carlin - Spreading The Truth! OWS Teach-In with Douglas Rushkoff. American Autumn: an Occudoc. Anthem for the Occupation. Rage Against The Machine - Sleep Now In The Fire.