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Liverpool Uncut (liverpooluncut) Brightonuncut | Just another site. Brighton Uncut (brightonuncut) Swansea UKuncut (UKuncutSwansea) UK Uncut: The Twitter Network Revealed | Market Sentinel. On Sunday, another wave of anti-tax avoidance protests and sit-ins will hit the UK’s high streets, organised by Twitter-powered activist group UK Uncut. We thought this would be a good opportunity to take our Twitter analytics tool for a road test. Mapping a Conversation Like any big, topical conversation, #UKUncut involves many thousands of participants and words spoken (or tweeted.) However, if it’s like most busy conversations, a small minority of Twitterers will be responsible for influencing most of the conversation.

We set ourselves the challenge of identifying who these influencers were, using a technique called “citation analysis.” This process involves collecting a large sample of tweets containing the hashtag #UKUncut (7,000 between 21st and 27th January.) The sample is then reduced to just the retweets. We can translate this into a mathematical measurement of influence within a network, by treating each retweet as a “vote” from one Twitterer to another. The Top Ten Influencers. Graph. Jessica (littlemisswilde) Bob Bee (PoliceUncut) Review will 'shatter morale' says police union.