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The University of Utah. Demo: World Eathquake Map (Yahoo Pipes) - Data-gov Wiki. From Data-gov Wiki live demo here Facts about this Demonstration Technical Highlights In this demo, we show how RDF can be used to consumed by yahoo! Pipes which is a popular web based tool for building Mashups. Following is a step-by-step instruction showing how conventional Web data publishing and consumption can be connected with RDF how RDF + SPARQL can be used to support data manipulation in mashups. Step 1 locate earthquake data on Step 2 convert earthquake data from CSV to RDF the original data is available in CSV/TXT format at we used an online tool CSV2RDF get the CSV data converted into RDF.

. * CSV data: * xmlbase: * property namespace: note: we reused property namespace from a similar dataset Dataset 32 (Worldwide M1+ Earthquakes, Past Hour, Department of the Interior) Step 3 query RDF data and get the results back into a CSV file. Worldwide earthquakes in the Past Week (magnitude >5) World Eathquake Interactive Map. Catalog - Complete - Data-gov Wiki. Data-gov Wiki. Emergency and Disaster Information Service. Live Earthquakes Map. Ar1158_anim.gif (1024×184)