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PS3. Fifa11. Browser. Game AI for Developers  Hive-Mind Combat Behaviors in UNCHARTED 2 for Better Positioning Decisions  Behavior trees are an increasingly common way to implement decision making and control systems for game NPCs.

Hive-Mind Combat Behaviors in UNCHARTED 2 for Better Positioning Decisions 

As more studios use them, a diversity of design patterns and implementation techniques is appearing. Sometimes it can become rather difficult to draw the line between other techniques; to what extent is this AI a behavior tree? In an interview late last year with Christian Gyrling, AI & Animation Programmer on UNCHARTED 2, he explained the approach that Naughty Dog uses to implement its combat AI. Their approach draws ideas or resembles utility systems, heuristic planners, or motivational graphs. In this article, you'll find the transcript from the UNCHARTED 2 interview (now available here for a limited time), some follow-up question that Christian was kind enough to answer by email, and my analysis.