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Yii Tutorials

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Understanding Virtual Attributes and get/set methods. When you define or extend a class, you can create class variables and methods in Yii just like you can in any other PHP system: class Comment extends CActiveRecord { public $helperVariable; public function rules() { ... } ... } and then use them in the obvious way: $var = $model->helperVariable; $rules = $model->rules(); This part everybody understands.

Understanding Virtual Attributes and get/set methods

Tutorials. Larry Ullman. In 2009, I had three decent-size Web sites to develop, so I thought I might try using a PHP framework for the first time, instead of coding everything from scratch.

Larry Ullman

I’ve used Ruby on Rails for Web development before, so I’m comfortable with frameworks and the MVC architecture, but I wanted to educate myself on PHP frameworks. After researching a handful of frameworks, and after an unsatisfying attempt to use Zend Framework, I finally settled on, and really came to appreciate the Yii Framework. At the time, the Yii Framework was still quite new, and there are still bugs to be worked out (for the more advanced stuff), but Yii works so well that it’s very easy to use. Yii Playground. Yii Developer 1/9 (MVC Overview) Yii Developer 2/9 (IDE Setup)

Yii Developer 3/9 (CloudControl Setup) Yii Developer 4/9 (Eclipse Setup) Yii Developer 5/9. Yii Developer 6/9. Yii Developer 7/9. Yii Developer 8/9. Yii Architecture 9/9.