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How to Design Programs. 5 Useful Clipboard Managers to Enhance Linux Clipboard. Clipboard management across most Linux distros is very basic.

5 Useful Clipboard Managers to Enhance Linux Clipboard

You can copy and paste anything you want, but you can’t have more than one item in your clipboard at a time which can be limiting. This is where a clipboard manager could come in handy, as it will help to enhance the copy and paste functionality on your computer as well as retain all copied data for long-term storage. Linux users are spoiled with choices, as there are several of these tools available, but I’m only going to list five of the best ones here. Feel free to add some more in the comments section below. Diodon is a decent Clipboard Manager specially designed for GTK/GNOME-based desktops. CopyQ is a cross-platform clipboard manager for Linux, OS X and Windows, so if you switch operating systems often (such as in a dual-boot scenario), it may be the best option for you if you want a unified experience across each OS. Parcellite is a very lightweight clipboard manager with only the most basic features. The International Obfuscated C Code Contest. CS50: Introduction to Computer Science.

This is CS50x, Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, with or without prior programming experience. An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development.

Languages include C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTML. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming. Students who earn a satisfactory score on 9 problem sets (i.e., programming assignments) and a final project are eligible for a certificate. HarvardX requires individuals who enroll in its courses on edX to abide by the terms of the edX honor code.

HarvardX pursues the science of learning. Media Archive. Cibercrimen: la autoría de los ciberdelitos. Ciberdebate Palabra de hacker. Penetration Testing Explained, Part VII: Exfiltration and Conclusions. In this series of posts, I covered ideas to get you started using basic testing software to find security vulnerabilities.

Penetration Testing Explained, Part VII: Exfiltration and Conclusions

There are more advanced tools, such as Metasploit, which lets you speedily try different hacking scenarios, but many of its principles are based on what I’ve already written about. In short: you can get a lot of mileage from trying out simple remote access trojans or RATs, reverse shells, password/hash crackers, hash dumping, and pass-the-hash in your own IT environment. Whatever approach you settle on, keep our Inside Out philosophy in mind. It says that in your testing, you should really focus on what hackers see once they’re on a generic user’s laptop or desktop.

Pen testing is a great exercise for spotting local accounts with weak passwords, overly generous networking capabilities, broad access rights on file shares, and other security holes before hackers have a chance to exploit them. You really won’t know what’s under the rock until you lift it! Seguridad en Sistemas y Técnicas de Hacking. TheHackerWay (THW) Hoy voy a intentar salirme un poco de la línea general de todos mis post y por primera vez desde que cree este sitio, me voy a mojar un poco y voy a dar mi punto de vista sobre algo que escucho constantemente: Los “hackers éticos” y por otro lado, voy a plantear algunas similitudes con un arte marcial con un trasfondo muy interesante, el Karate-Do.

Seguridad en Sistemas y Técnicas de Hacking. TheHackerWay (THW)

Llevo tiempo pensando en si publicar o no está entrada, ya que por tiempo, últimamente son pocos los artículos que he podido escribir y sé que estáis acostumbrados a leer sobre temas técnicos y nada relacionado con opiniones personales. Hoy haré una pequeña excepción y si a lo mejor algunos comentarios te sientan mal, espero que no te lo tomes como una critica o una “ofensa”, sino como una oportunidad para reflexionar un poco. Esforzarse por la perfección del carácter.Defender los caminos de la verdad.Fomentar el espíritu de esfuerzo.Honrar los principios de etiqueta.Evitar la violencia. . Saludos y Happy Hack! Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando... USENIX Enigma 2016 - PKI at Scale Using Short-lived Certificates. Web Security Fundamentals - Free Video Course. Diving into Docker: What it means for your Enterprise DevOps Strategy. MorterueloCON 2016: Seguridad, Privacidad y Anonimato para Periodistas en tiempos de Snowden.

Este ha sido mi tercer año en MorterueloCON, y sólo puedo dar las gracias una vez más por la cercanía y el gran trato recibido.

MorterueloCON 2016: Seguridad, Privacidad y Anonimato para Periodistas en tiempos de Snowden

En esta edición he participado en el track de Periodismo junto a Rafael Fraguas (impresionante) con una charla técnica titulada: “Cifrando tus fuentes, o el periodismo en tiempos de Snowden”, y también he impartido un taller dentro de los “Ajoarriero Labs” titulado: ¿Apache DoS?. Entrevista completa a Edward Snowden en El Objetivo (versión extendida en VO)