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Logo Evolution of 25 Famous Brands. A company’s logo is a recognition tool for the public to link their services or products to the company.

Logo Evolution of 25 Famous Brands

In other words, it is part of a company’s branding. Without such branding, the public will not be able to differentiate between companies, and therefore unable to expect a certain standard or quality from the company which they interact with. A logo, if designed effectively, can bring to people’s mind the unique selling proposition of an organization, which inevitably promotes the company on a sub-conscious level. You Had One Job! Artur Bergman (Wikia) on SSDson O'Reilly Media. Ultra High Security Password Generator   If some device was not following the WiFi Alliance WPA specification by not hashing the entire printable ASCII character set correctly, it would end up with a different 256-bit hash result than devices that correctly obeyed the specification.

Ultra High Security Password Generator  

It would then be unable to connect to any network that uses the full range of printable ASCII characters. Since we have heard unconfirmed anecdotal reports of such non-compliant WPA devices (and since you might have one), this page also offers "junior" WPA password strings using only the "easy" ASCII characters which even any non-fully-specification-compliant device would have to be able to properly handle. If you find that using the full random ASCII character set within your WPA-PSK protected WiFi network causes one of your devices to be unable to connect to your WPA protected access point, you can downgrade your WPA network to "easy ASCII" by using one of these easy keys.

And don't worry for a moment about using an easy ASCII key. Supermoon Lunar Eclipse To Occur On Sept. 27: What Makes This Celestial Event Special? The supermoon eclipse that will happen later this month will not occur again until 2033.

Supermoon Lunar Eclipse To Occur On Sept. 27: What Makes This Celestial Event Special?

Some already fear this rare celestial event marks the start of terrible things based on a passage from the Bible. (Photo : NASA) The supermoon eclipse is set to occur on Sept. 27 offering skywatchers in North and South America, western Asia, Europe, Africa and the Eastern Pacific Ocean region with the chances to witness the rare celestial treat. A supermoon occurs when Earth's natural satellite appears to be abnormally large and bright in the sky, which happens when the moons reaches its full phase at or near its closest approach to our planet. Amazon's six-pack of $50 Fire tablets is one of the most exciting things it's ever done. Amazon has announced a variety of new products today, but the strangest and potentially most interesting is the company's first $50 7-inch Fire tablets.

Amazon's six-pack of $50 Fire tablets is one of the most exciting things it's ever done

You can buy them singly for $50 or in a six pack for $250, making the sixth unit free. "This is not a top-of-the-line tablet," The Verge reports. "It's not one of the new Fire HD tablets, and it's definitely not the Kindle Fire HDX. The 7-inch Kindle Fire has a 1024 x 600 resolution display (although, with IPS), a 1.3Ghz quad-core processor, 8 gigabytes of internal storage, one gigabyte of RAM, and your basic front- and rear-facing cameras. It runs on the latest version of Fire OS and claims seven hours of battery life with average use. " Video of the Day: Aurora Borealis Over Ferries. Posted by Sarah Lane on September 14, 2015 at 12:45 pm The night of September 9 we had a rare aurora borealis in Puget Sound skies.

Video of the Day: Aurora Borealis Over Ferries

Bill Gates. The construction of the Statue of Liberty - Google Cultural Institute. Countries With The Most Venomous Animals. Map by reddit user lanson15 Which country has the most venomous animals?

Countries With The Most Venomous Animals

Surprisingly, it’s not Australia but Mexico with 80, followed by Brazil with 79 and then Australia with just 66 (they just happen to be more potent). So how is venomous defined here? Reddit user lanson15 used the Living Hazards Database from the Armed Forces Pest Management Board, which “… is a comprehensive compilation of more than 500 species worldwide, which are reported to cause serious injury or death of humans.” In addition to the top 3 countries above, Colombia, India, Indonesia and Vietnam all have over 50 different species apiece.

Generally speaking warmer places have more venomous species than colder places, although there are some interesting exceptions to this rule such as the Caribbean, Western Sahara, Madagascar, Bhutan and Lesotho, to name a few. Wonder how this looks in the United States: Similar to the global trend, warmer Southern States have more venomous species than North States. Wollongong’s Wonderful Renewal. TL;DR: my hometown has been a depressed and despairing place for all my life, yet on my most recent visit I was struck – truly struck – how much the city has changed for the better.

Wollongong’s Wonderful Renewal

It was breathtaking. This post is a reflection on my hometown’s history over the last three and a half decades (to get a sense of how far we fell behind) and some observations about what’s really working to turn the place around, creating an incredibly bright future. The centre of Wollongong coming back to life. Keep Calm And Don’t Speculate: How To Be Helpful On Social Media Today. By Alex McKinnon, 15/12/2014 By now you are no doubt aware of the situation unfolding in Sydney’s Martin Place.

Keep Calm And Don’t Speculate: How To Be Helpful On Social Media Today

Earlier this morning, an armed man or group of men entered the Lindt chocolate cafe on the corner of Martin Place and Phillip Street, and took those inside hostage. Given the cafe’s location directly across the road from the Channel 7 Sydney studio, a live camera feed of the cafe was soon broadcasting on major TV channels, with each channel providing their own commentary. Those watching the feed, or following events on Twitter, would have seen a black flag with Arabic text hung in one of the cafe’s windows. Get Cardboard – Google. How do I know which viewers will work with my phone?

Get Cardboard – Google

Choose a viewer that fits your phone's screen size. Most Cardboard apps work with Android 4.1+ and the latest iOS smartphones. Where can I find apps for Cardboard? Meet the Robots Shipping Your Amazon Orders. Reinventing the fastest forgotten archery. Enjoy Life More: Use Facebook Less. What Programming Is Like - Coding with Honour. Programming Sucks. Ask A Physicist To Speak At Your Funeral. You want a physicist to speak at your funeral.

Ask A Physicist To Speak At Your Funeral

You want the physicist to talk to your grieving family about the conservation of energy, so they will understand that your energy has not died. You want the physicist to remind your sobbing mother about the first law of thermodynamics; that no energy is created in the universe and none is destroyed. You want your mother to know that all your energy, ever vibration, every BTU of heat, every wave of every particle that was her beloved child remains with her in this world. Avegant Glyph: the virtual reality headset made for the mainstream. Picture it: you're sitting on the plane or in the doctor's waiting room, listening to music on a large, good-looking set of headphones. You decide you'd rather catch up on Justified, or play a little Call of Duty.

You tip your headphones forward until the broad white band is now in front of your face, and suddenly your show or game appears on the underside. It's like watching an 80-inch TV, except the picture you're seeing isn't on an LCD screen — it's being projected directly into your eyes. If Edward Tang is right, this is the new normal. Blog » Linode NextGen: RAM Upgrade. April 9, 2013 12:48 pm This is the third and final post in a series about Linode: NextGen. The first post in the series focused on network upgrades and the second post focused on host hardware.

Blog » Linode Nextgen: The Network. March 7, 2013 1:24 pm. Dipping my toes into Lisp – and how I got Common Lisp with FastCGI support running from Apache.