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Legendary creatures based on animals. Aquatic. Merman. An interpretation of the semitic god Dagon as a "fish-god" Banff "Merman" on display at the Indian Trading Post Mermen are mythical male equivalents and counterparts of mermaids – legendary creatures who have the form of a male human from the waist up and are fish-like from the waist down, having scaly fish tails in place of legs.


A "merboy" is a young merman. Mythology[edit] Mythology. Titans. Mythology. Mythology and Folklore. EUROPA. Mythos. Greek Mythology. Celtic Meanings of the Five Fold Symbol. Celtic Five Fold Symbol Meaning This page is devoted to the Celtic Meanings within the Five Fold Symbol (symbol shown at top.

Celtic Meanings of the Five Fold Symbol

The center green circle represents the fifth element.) Celtic meanings surrounding the five-fold motif are fascinating and their significance far-reaching. Specifically, I'm completely enchanted by the fifth element, and how it's translated by the ancient Celtic mind. Greek Gods Family Tree / Genealogy. Sacred.