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High-Power Robot Legs Can Jump, Balance. Kenshiro Robot Gets New Muscles and Bones. We’ve seen bio-inspired hummingbird robots, turtle robots, squirrel robots and more… enough to start an extremely profitable robot zoo. But very few researchers have been able to mimic the human body down to muscles and bones. Researchers at the University of Tokyo are taking bio-inspired robots to new heights with Kenshiro, their new human-like musculoskeletal robot revealed at the Humanoids conference this month. They have added more muscles and more motors to their Kojiro robot from 2010, making Kenshiro’s underlying structure the closest to a human's form so far. See the new body in the picture above. Kenshiro mimics the body of the average Japanese 12-year-old male, standing at 158 centimeters tall and weighing 50 kilograms.

Kenshiro’s body mirrors almost all the major muscles in a human, with 160 pulley-like "muscles"—50 in the legs, 76 in the trunk, 12 in the shoulder, and 22 in the neck. It has the most muscles of any other bio-inspired humanoid out there. Who are you calling fat? TU Delft robot Leo learns to walk. The Sarcos Robot.

DARPA Robot Masters Stairs. DARPA's Pet-Proto Robot Navigates Obstacles. 二足歩行ロボットに綱渡りをさせてみた. KOBIAN: Emotional humanoid robot. Samsung Roboray. 2011 Honda Unveils All new ASIMO - Running 9km/h. PETMAN.