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WHSmith's decision to go offline shows little understanding of digital. WHSmith took its entire website offline yesterday after it found that pornographic eBooks were available through its Kobo e-reader.

WHSmith's decision to go offline shows little understanding of digital

Customers trying to access are greeted with a holding page which states that the retailer is “disgusted by these particular titles” and is taking immediate steps to have them removed. Six case studies and an infographic on how to write effective email subject lines. There are many factors that influence whether or not people bother to open your marketing emails or not.

Six case studies and an infographic on how to write effective email subject lines

Email frequency, brand affinity and time of day are all influential, as is the subject line that marketers opt for. The precise wording will vary depending on the brand identity and the product offer, but the basic aim is to grab the reader’s attention and make them interested enough to clickthrough and find out more. To help get to the bottom of what makes up the best subject line, I’ve rounded up a few case studies and infographics that try to shed some light on the topic. 10 great examples of responsive design from around the world. Responsive design as a standard feature on a website is growing quickly.

10 great examples of responsive design from around the world

There is no longer much of a debate over whether brands need a mobile site, as consumer demand dictates that sites need to be optimised for small screens. The choice now is between a dedicated mobile site, an app, or responsive design. So to show how responsive design can be applied in practice, here are 10 examples from around the world... Global News Canada. Six useful case studies on where to place your CTA to maximise conversions. There are many factors that influence the design of your call-to-action and it’s certainly a feature that benefits from extensive testing and tweaking.

Six useful case studies on where to place your CTA to maximise conversions

It’s likely that it’s an area that is somewhat neglected though, as our new Adobe Digital Marketing Optimisation Survey found that a majority of companies (53%) spend less than 5% of their total marketing budgets on optimisation activities, despite the fact that a small uplift in conversion rates can translate into thousands of dollars of extra revenue. Aspects such as the size, wording and colour can all impact clickthrough rate and conversions, but placement is potentially one of the most important factors. Traditional wisdom states that the CTA needs to go above the fold so that potential customers can’t avoid it, but as these case studies show that isn’t necessarily always true... Unbounce A/B test Unbounce ran an A/B test on the CTA placement on a landing page for paid search ads. Online department store SEO: ASOS gets the onsite basics right. Structurer la gestion de la fraude, une mesure anti-crise pour le e-commerce ? Avec des taux de croissance en forte chute, l'âge d'or du e-commerce en France est désormais révolu.

Structurer la gestion de la fraude, une mesure anti-crise pour le e-commerce ?

Longtemps habitués à une croissance ininterrompue de la demande, les sites doivent optimiser leurs processus de gestion. Un domaine à améliorer ? La lutte anti-fraude. Maximize Online and Ecommerce Sales with Product Recommendations. All of the top 10 websites in the Internet Retailer 500 use product recommendations.

Maximize Online and Ecommerce Sales with Product Recommendations

Essential to meeting performance goals of online retailers, product recommendations can increase revenue, conversion rate, and average order value. This infographic shows you how to maximize sales through the effective use of product recommendations on your website. Cost of poor service - the economic truths. The cost of customer dissatisfaction There are five key economic truths that quantify financial return on investments made to customer service.

Cost of poor service - the economic truths

Organisations wishing to improve their corporate bottom-line must factor these into investment decisions and growth strategies: As satisfaction levels drop, loyalty drops faster Problems drive customers away Many more customers experience problems than you think Unhappy customers spread the word! The True Cost Of Bad Customer Service.

Many companies make the mistake to only focus on the obvious, is the phone ringing?

The True Cost Of Bad Customer Service

Are we closing sales? But there are many other, less obvious (I don’t want to say “hidden”) aspects of business, that directly affect the bottom line. Customer service is one of them. In a way, social media has helped bring customer service to the very front end of business. Customer services is no longer a “behind-the-scenes” thing. The customer service department today is capable of making your company a success story or simply destroy it. This is why I love the phrase used by HelpScout in the Infographic below. Retailers Use Attribution Modeling to Measure the Touchpoints Driving Sales. Today’s digital consumer is exposed to a huge number of marketing messages via display ads, search, email, mobile, social media and other sources along the path to purchase. But until recently, many retailers mainly paid attention only to customers’ “last click”—an approach that ignores all other marketing touchpoints that lead to a transaction, according to a new eMarketer report, “Multichannel Attribution: What Retailers Need to Know.”

Now, however, some retailers are deploying complex multichannel attribution solutions, with Big Data power, to measure the performance of their marketing efforts. But the numbers are still small. According to an October 2012 survey conducted by Econsultancy and Adobe , only 26% of companies worldwide used advanced forms of marketing attribution—ones that go beyond simple last-click analysis. While sophisticated attribution modeling is complex, its potential benefits are relatively straightforward.

Cinq conseils pour limiter l'abandon de panier. Relation client : les réclamations clients une mine d'or sous exploitée selon l'enquête de l'AMARC. Le client râleur devrait être envisagé comme une mine d'or par les entreprises : il exprime un besoin mal satisfait ou pas du tout satisfait. Il pointe un dysfonctionnement dans le service délivré...  Patent-leather pumps  8 éléments indispensables contre l'abandon de panier. Nous avons vu précédemment comment augmenter le trafic vers son site avec le web marketing.

8 éléments indispensables contre l'abandon de panier

Mais le web marketing n’est pas qu’une succession de leviers permettant une augmentation du trafic. Abandonner son panier ou sauvegarder sa navigation ? Après en avoir discuté au salon de la VAD avec un de nos lecteurs, Olivier, responsable de 42Stores, le sujet se retrouve aujourd’hui indirectement dans le « 20Minutes» parisien.

Abandonner son panier ou sauvegarder sa navigation ?

E-commerce: toutes les techniques pour limiter l’abandon panier. Blog - Persistent Shopping Cart - Customer Segmentation Just Getting Better. Livre Blanc : Comment bien vendre sur les Comparateurs de prix ? Les comparateurs de prix, levier incontournable ! Réussir son application e-commerce sur iPad. Le premier ouvrage de la collection JDN Premium rassemble tous les conseils ergonomiques nécessaires à la création d'une interface performante et décortique les applications existantes grâce à l'eyetracking. Extraits. Cinq astuces pour doper Google Analytics - Journal du Net Solutions. : l'Empire caché. Les leviers d'acquisition clients passés au crible. [Exclu] Création de l’e-G10, le club des patrons du digital. Best Practice for Multifaceted Navigation. Posted by Paul Rouke at 5:36pm on the 11th September 2008 Whether you are more familiar with the term guided navigation, attribute filtering, multi-attribute navigation or guided search (there are more although these are some of the main industry buy online levitra cialis viagra terms used) this type of advanced navigation can provide visitors to your e-commerce store/online booking system/content rich product site with an invaluable user experience – if implemented correctly.

What is multifaceted navigation? In short this is an advanced navigation method where shoppers can filter out large sets of products or content by a variety of product attributes (sizes, colours, features, price range, specifications). User benefits of multifaceted navigation. Mythes et Légendes du Social Shopping par Agnes Teissier - Chronique e-Business. Pourquoi le Net coûte encore si cher ? par Sophie Morth - Chronique e-Business. Comment construire une stratégie digitale? Décryptage : Responsive Web Design, une tendance de fond ? par Anne Millet - Chronique e-Business. Le Responsive web design ou web design adaptatif est la tendance du moment en ergonomie multi-écrans. Et les sites web fondés sur ce principe commencent à se multiplier. Décryptage d’une approche que les entreprises ne peuvent plus ignorer. Alors que certaines marques ont choisi de réaliser des versions dédiées mobiles en développant leur application iPhone, Androïd ou bien iPad, d’autres se lancent dans l’aventure du responsive web design.

Pourquoi ? Avec la révolution des usages Internet, les utilisateurs sont de plus en nombreux à se connecter depuis leur mobile et le nombre de tablettes explose. Infographic: Shopping Cart Abandonment and Tips To Avoid It. Exemples. Ecommerce Checkout Report. 2The Ecommerce Checkout Report Join the conversation Ecommerce Checkout: A Quantitative Look at theTactics of the Top 100 Online Retailers Once shoppers enter the checkout line in a physical store, they are almost certain to buy.

How to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment: 10 No-Brainers. If you’re an online retailer, you care about reducing your shopping cart abandonment rate. ‘Nuff said. The following are 10 no-brainer ways to turn abandoned carts into completed orders. 1. Keep the cart alive According to a study by SeeWhy, 16% of males and 26% of females abandoned a cart because they wanted to complete the purchase later. 2.

According to Forrester Research, 23% of shoppers will abandon when asked to register before checking out.